Guardians of The Lambsfoot!

Some black palm, for later, on this stormy day!

Lovely looking handles !

That is
Looking good Mitch :) :thumbsup:
Have a good one at the market tomorrow. πŸ‘πŸ€ 
Thank you David :) :thumbsup:
Afternoon all
Guardian inspired lunch. Tomatoes & cracked pepper crisp bread.
Very tasty Mitch πŸ˜‹ I think my tomatoes will end up in a soup! :rolleyes: :D :thumbsup:

Good morning Guardians. Heading out to play 18 this morning. Beautiful day today - getting into the 80's.
Hope you enjoy yourself Bill :) Is 'Links' a common word in the US? I remember hearing my parents and grandparents use it, but can't remember hearing it used here for a long time (but I don't move in golfing circles) :thumbsup:
Good Morning Guardians
As the slug said to the snail, "Where's Michelle?" ;) Nice photo John :thumbsup:
Some black palm, for later, on this stormy day!
Nice edge on that beauty Bob :cool: :thumbsup:

My bike helmet is out for delivery!
It was originally to be expected yesterday, but those riverine dingbats drove it from west of Chicago to Pontiac to Wyandotte to Kalamazoo before turning it over to USPS. They must have been driving pretty fast, at least.
I remember to check the river before I order from another e source, but I need to remember to check my local stores before I order from the river. I could have bought one locally yesterday for the same price as the one that's keeping me waiting.
Frustrating Jer :rolleyes: :thumbsup:
'Sweet' was just the word that came to my mind too! :D :thumbsup:
Good morning Guardians !

G.Butler today

Have a great day folks !
Classic Steve :cool: :thumbsup:
Do you ever wonder where the "Real Lamb Foot" etch originated from?
Were there fake ones running around back in the day? Or did people doubt their existence?
I'm surprised it's not referenced in the Thread Index. That kind of phrasing was common in the Sheffield cutlery trade, long before the Lambsfoot pattern came about. Abram Brooksbank knives were even etched 'Real Knife', and other cutlery manufacturers also included the term 'Real' in etches and stampings, so not that strange. Maybe the word had a slightly different meaning back then? :thumbsup:

Good afternoon Guardians, 3pm here in Yorkshire, and I haven't been back from the market long. The temperature has been cooler, but the rain held off at least. Tool Man excelled himself in gluttony, consuming a loaf-size beef sandwich, and 3/4 of a pizza Martin bought, which he then had the cheek to complain about! :rolleyes: Of course, that wasn't ALL he ate! :oops: At least, since he is suffering with toothache, he's currently off the cake! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜Along with the regulars, we had a few of our irregular visitors, including Scooby, from Tool Man's old motorcycle gang, and Big Dave, (pictured below, centre), who did the catering at Tool Man's wedding. Hope everyone is having a good day :thumbsup:

As the slug said to the snail, "Where's Michelle?"
Nice photo John :thumbsup:
Thanks, Jack. :)
That kind of phrasing was common in the Sheffield cutlery trade, long before the Lambsfoot pattern came about. Abram Brooksbank knives were even etched 'Real Knife', and other cutlery manufacturers also included the term 'Real' in etches and stampings, so not that strange. Maybe the word had a slightly different meaning back then?
Maybe not to be confused with a cheaply made boy's knife. πŸ€”
Glad you're having fun out there, my friend. 🀠:thumbsup:
'Sweet' was just the word that came to my mind too! :D :thumbsup:

Classic Steve :cool: :thumbsup:
Thanks Jack !

I'm surprised it's not referenced in the Thread Index. That kind of phrasing was common in the Sheffield cutlery trade, long before the Lambsfoot pattern came about. Abram Brooksbank knives were even etched 'Real Knife', and other cutlery manufacturers also included the term 'Real' in etches and stampings, so not that strange. Maybe the word had a slightly different meaning back then? :thumbsup:

Good afternoon Guardians, 3pm here in Yorkshire, and I haven't been back from the market long. The temperature has been cooler, but the rain held off at least. Tool Man excelled himself in gluttony, consuming a loaf-size beef sandwich, and 3/4 of a pizza Martin bought, which he then had the cheek to complain about! :rolleyes: Of course, that wasn't ALL he ate! :oops: At least, since he is suffering with toothache, he's currently off the cake! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜Along with the regulars, we had a few of our irregular visitors, including Scooby, from Tool Man's old motorcycle gang, and Big Dave, (pictured below, centre), who did the catering at Tool Man's wedding. Hope everyone is having a good day :thumbsup:

Glad to hear the weather held for you ! Nice pic of your HHB πŸ‘