Handle Requests & Suggestions

Ya know, that's a good question!

I do hate them, unless they are titanium and even then they are meh... Imho they add weight for no go reason at all :p

Not a huge fan of any bolsters anyway and the half and half handles that some like don't agree with me at all :eek:
I'm not at home until the end of the week. I cropped this from a bad cell pic but it's still a beauty! Thick Black liners


Much obliged. That handle is absolutely breathtaking!
Ken, is there a chance to do some handles with smaller bolsters, similar to the infamous 'original Bushfinger'?

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Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting to replicate or recreate this knife. But, for many, including myself, this style of handle is what made Andy's knives have such a draw. I really like bolsters and love the handle on my Bushfinger.


But, it seems that over the years, the bolsters have grown considerably. When they get to a certain point, it's hard to call it a bolstered knife. It can appear to be more of a 50/50 combo of materials instead.

Like this for an example -

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Does this make sense?
The first Bushfinger is sweet! Subdued yet stylish (one of the few bolsters I like:eek:)
I think that Bushfinger, and the oak Hiking Buddy were among the first bolstered Fiddlebacks, and the BF had the smallest I have seen since. I recall Andy saying something then about The Hunter I have, which I got the next year I think, has a bolster pretty well in line with that Hiking Buddy, which is about 1/3 of the handle, and the Hiking Buddy I picked up later that year. Then the Lady finger I picked up later was from that same period I think. Then later it seemed he moved to much larger bolsters closer to 50/50 and those didn't appeal to me so much either, but did to others. Then they seem to have gotten smaller again on the last one, the cornflower blue recluse with natural bolsters, and I am perfectly happy with that, and wouldn't complain at all about a hair smaller. That said, after the ohers I have had, the Bushfinger looks oddly small compared to all the others, though I think that style would look really cool on the smaller knives. I hope to at some point pick up a cornflower blue Bushboot with natural bolsters, and I it would look great with the smaller bolster style.

On bolsters: 1/4 is too little, 1/2 has some appeal, 1/3 is just right IMHO. The 'original Bushfinger' that was posted just seems off to me with the small bolster.

My first and only tapered tang so far is one of Andy's knives, and I am in love with it. Would like to see more, want to own more. I'm a big natural material fan, drool over big burls, but I do like the meshing of natural and synthetics.

I am just happy to see what you guys come up with every week and the chance that a knife will 'speak' to me and illicit an "i'll take it"
Beautiful Recluse!

I think so too. I came very close to offering it up for a trade for the Bushcrafter I wanted...still want, for a piece I'm working on, but it would take an equally beautiful Bushcrafter for me to make that trade :)
Bolsters, thick liners and burlap. Those are what I like.

I don't have a bolstered fiddleback, but I definitely like the look of the 1/3 or less sized ones.

My favorite handle I own has emerald burlap and thick orange liners. If it had a black bolster, it'd be pure perfection.
After looking, and re-looking and re-looking at that OG Bushfinger I think I retract my 1/4 bolster comment.

Outside of Kirinite, I don't think there is much I dislike coming out of the FB shop.
I don't even like the way they look, but I know some people love them and it means more unbolstered ones for me:p :D

To me, not every handle design works well with a bolster, but on the ones that do, I really like them. I would love a Bushcrafter, Arete, or KE Bushie with nickle silver bolsters.
I'd like to see some thunderstorm Kevlar. Even if it's only in bolsters.

Ooh, thunderstorm Kevlar with Carbon fiber bolsters would be sick!
Hmm......I kind of feel like I opened a can of worms debate on bolsters.

Sorry guys. I didn't see that coming.