Happy 7th birthday to the CPK sub-forum :)

Is that fuzzy math or too many IPA’s? This is the 7th Anniversary of the CPF Sub Forum 🍻

Original June 17, 2016 posts:

I should of read more, I just saw the 2020 post date of this thread 🤣
Is that fuzzy math or too many IPA’s? This is the 7th Anniversary of the CPF Sub Forum 🍻

Original June 17, 2016 posts:

Soooo.. 10th Anniversary in 2 more (leisurely) weeks?

Nathan the Machinist Nathan the Machinist Jo the Machinist Jo the Machinist

Nathan through the years...

Nathan, the dog whisperer..."There's something going on with that boy"...


Nathan, catches on to what's really going on..."Oh, I get it now..."


The Evil Genius emerges..."It's quite simple, really"


Nathan perfects Delta 3V:


Nathan and the mod staff prepare for another leisurely Friday afternoon sale:
