Happy Thanksgiving... What are you carrying on Turkey Day?

Because of being around non-knife knuts today, Vic Climber will see use today while the others stay tucked away.

nice Turkey Day to all
im carrying my newely receieved kershaw blur tac. that i recieved from Hissatsu. As well as my trusty tenacious
At work unfortunately, but I have one of my Leeks and my Mini-Grip. Happy Thanksgiving!
Just bumming around the house with my family so just carrying my Bradley Alias II, have a safe and happy thanksgiving.
Spyderco Centofante 4, it's my newest EDC, and quite the looker. I find "non knife people" less intimidated by this blade than some of the more leaf shaped Spydies...

Also a SAK in my coin pocket.
Well, I'm carrying a BM mini-Squeemish inside the waistband today, and an EnZo Trapper on my belt, BUT!:

Today, as always, I made my signature traditional Oyster Stuffing. One loaf of whole wheat bread, each slice buttered. Then cut into cubes with nothing less than a Bark River Canadian Camp knife. Then 2 cans of oysters, squished into the cubes, and baked. Oh yeah!!
This one...



i had a nice big custom fixed blade this morning for the hunting along with my bm mini grip now it is just the mini grip headed to the inlaws
