Hinderers and Pens

Wow Wowcoop awesome collection, a little private reserve ink too! I used to get into custom stationery also, oh these collections of ours.
Well, I got the kubaton pen set, and I am not sure how it is going to work out as the long body makes for a beastly pen, will most likely be a catch and release. Although it is completely badass!

I am thinking about that as well. Might go for one of their other pens, I really like the black coated ones.
i have countless other pens but here are the few i have been using on a regular basis lately besides my lamy 2000
Love Is - Walking past several pens to run out to your truck to grab your Investigator to write a check :)

(Young people say, a "Check? What's that?)
When I find something I like, I tend to go overboard. Moderation; much like patience, is a virtue I don't have much use for.
^^ Yep that pretty much sums me up sometimes, well ok most of the time :eek:
Yes I have done the same rubi! I have actually turned my truck around five minutes into my commute because I forgot my investigator. I ordered the steel flame investigator last Monday. RHK shipped it out Tuesday via USPS 2 day priority and she's still not here! Busy time of the year for the post office I suppose. I'm dying to see this thing in person. I've been infatuated with it since they introduced them. Can't wait to start EDCing that scary looking thing. :)