How to make a KMG better (GIB content also)

I just got a 40 lbs gas spring from McMaster and my machine works SOOOO much better. The spring I was using before, I did not realize was WAY to weak.

Thanks for the pictures and suggestion to change it out. I think the extra leverage that the gas spring creates from the front of the arm is great.
Wat is the reasoning for using a rubber drive wheel! I chatted with a grinder maker on another site and did not get the answer I expected. Thanks

I imagine it improves traction, relieves slippage, but I don't have one.
I just got a 40 lbs gas spring from McMaster and my machine works SOOOO much better. The spring I was using before, I did not realize was WAY to weak.

Thanks for the pictures and suggestion to change it out. I think the extra leverage that the gas spring creates from the front of the arm is great.

You're welcome KHD, but Fellhoelter and Sharp are the one's who figured out the use and application, I just did what they did. My NWG is so far from stock that it is hard to compare it with another NWG or a KMG or anything else. I just try to apply other people's smart ideas to my set-up. My next post will show as much.
Glad I found this thread. I am currently building a GIB, and I ordered the parts for the gas shock setup as shown. I am going to build it this way from the start. Thanks for posting.
After expermenting with a 20lb, 30lb and 40lb gas spring over the last 3 months, a 40lb gas spring is the way to go. Much better tracking...
Where did you source your gas spring.? Thanks

Doc, the item numbers and website are on the first page. McMasterCarr is the site, must make sure that you choose the 40lb and not the 20 when you use the item numbers posted.
When you click to order the gas spring, just click on the strength that you want.
Than will amend your order.
David, I just purchased the GIB 2.0 from Polar Bear Forge. I will be using the gas shock on my grinder. I do have a question concerning how to determine where the mounts should be tapped. What are the measurements?
David, I just purchased the GIB 2.0 from Polar Bear Forge. I will be using the gas shock on my grinder. I do have a question concerning how to determine where the mounts should be tapped. What are the measurements?

haven't seen David around here much lately, and he is probably busy about ready to head for the Blade show,
you might want to try emailing or his IG