I need help from 5 people..............

Oct 2, 1998
In an effort to better serve the forums I need to set up a board of members to handle situations which will arise from time to time.

As our community grows we will need to make decisions which will effect the group as a whole. I have big plans for this site and we need to address issues on occasion which will effect us all.

I have made the comment on many occasions that this is your forum and not mine. Now is your chance to help us control the future of this site.

I would like to set up a board of 5 members. Your responsibility will be to help us make decisions, on occasion, which will effect the group and the site as a whole. This will not be a huge undertaking as issues rarely come up. I just want to make sure that any decisions made here that affect each of you are made in a more impartial atmosphere. I will not appoint these members myself. Those interested please do so either by responding to this thread or emailing us directly. If we get a huge response to this I may elect to make a survey in which you can vote for those who you want to represent the site's members. The top five would be on the board. Or I may pic them at random. Either way the board, I belive is a good idea.

Please do not elect members here. I only want volunteers. So only the ones who want to volunteer should apply.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

Mike, I'm not sure I'm qualified, but if I can give something back to the group, you can count on my paticipation.
Don't know if I qualify either, but would be glad to help out in any way. thanks and keep'em sharp.

I am would be willing to do that job. I feel with my expierence in our hireing team at work as well as my approx three years on the net following knives starting with Rec.knives that I would be able to make a positive contribution to the group you are presently forming.


Tom Carey
I would love to give back to that which has done so much for me. Count me in!
Hay Mike, count me in if you want me.

"Every Dog Has His Day"


I believe that this is perhaps the greatest positive idea for the future of this forum! I would love to be a part of the board. Why only 5? Why not make it 12 (a jury) of various gender, race/nationality, occupation, age-group, and economic class to get a fair sample of opinions? You can include ATS34 lovers, serration haters, liner-lock detesters, Micarta sniffers, armhair shavers, etc, etc.

The reason for 5 is arbitrary. I may make it more but we need to be assured that we can contact everyone when needed and the fewer there are the easier that will be. Of course we could elect up to 12 and then just have a majority rule. Once we reach 7 decisions we would not need to here from the others should all seven be unanimous.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

I'm new around here, but not new to knives. I would gladly help out. I have email access at home which gets checked at least once a day by me and once a day by my SO. I like to think that I am fairly level headed (people think I have a flat top haircut
). I like the idea of the 12 person board and you (Mike) or Spark could do the tie breaking. I hear what you say about the 7 unanimous votes but I think that it would be unlikely to get 7 people on this forum (in a row) to agree on anything. How about some women to even things out a bit? Ladies, you've got to volunteer! Some of the overseas members might bring a different viewpoint from time to time.

Keep Em Sharp

Mike -
As usual, I'm the single dissenting vote :-(

This forum is your dream, your creation, and your responsibility. If it belongs to the members, it is because you give it to them. The fact remains, though, that the forum exists because of your vision, and your mission. There are many good people here as members of this site, but only one of them actually created this forum. If you need to delegate some of the responsibility of the day to day maintenance of the site, then do so. But you should maintain the role of Benevolent Dictator, with absolute veto authority concerning this site. You brought it this far, you can (and should) finish what you started. If you hand the site to committee now, you can look back at this day as the beginning of the end.

But what do I know...


There is no safe seat at the feast,
Take your best stab at the beast!


Count me in. It would be the very least I could do after learning so much from the Forum... my way of helping to pay you back for the enjoyment of having access to such a site!

Mike, I have quite alot of experience on committees. I have been a full time police officer for seven years. Six of those years I have served on committees, both as a member and as a chairman. I think committees can be a very useful mechanism. I would however like to offer some advice. First of all the number should be manageable. Second of all all decisions should be made by consensus, NOT majority vote. The problem with majority votes are that people will tend to splinter into factions and there could be alot of hard feelings. Personalities may become a factor. Majority rule in a committee is often counterproductive. Also as a chairman it should be your responsibility to keep the committee on track. And obviously you will maintain control of the site, however delegating certain decisions and responsibilities to the committee could be beneficial. Also I would suggest having committee members serve terms. This could insure new faces and ideas.

Front Site Communications "web sites with impact" http://www.knoxplace.com/fsc
I am game.....

Next up on the agenda, the tragic proliferation of Spark-in-Tutu Pics on the web.....

Damn! I thought I was the only one who had those pics of Spark in a Tutu. Spark you liar

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!

I'll throw my hat in the ring too.
I think that having a board is a great idea.
And because of my job,I think that a level head and moderating are an everday occurance for me. ( Try to moderate approx.1500 very agitated individuals everyday and you'll see what I mean).
Anyway I just would like to give something back to the place that I spend most of my online time with.

C.O.'s-"It takes balls to work behind the walls "