Idaho Made

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It's very hard to get it to show up. Especially since the Lockside is new and the lines aren't worn and show up well yet

And here is an rough, exaggerated drawing

Back to the topic at hand. I don't really mind it (new stamp), but it if "Idaho Made" has to be on that same spot then make it right side up like someone else said already.

It must only be on some knives because my Small 21 lines up perfectly.
OK I just ordered the last large 21 left hand that Neil has in stock at True North Knives with the silver thumbstud, spacer and lanyard thingy just to get one before the Idaho made ones are the only ones I can get. I got nothing against Idaho and in fact I have a lot of family up there but I like the clean look. I'll still get my annual LE (this year I picked the spalted maple). I'm really loving the simplicity of the plain models and it will be a good companion to my large insingo! Woo hoo any excuse to buy another Sebenza!:cool:;):thumbup::D
This is very interesting. One of the reasons I like my 21 more than my Classic is because "CR" is the only marking on the entire knife. I am not sure how I feel about the "Idaho Made"....:cool:

I agree with this completely. I don't like the new branding one bit.
I'm also off to pick up my last CRK for a good while it would seem. :(

I really hate that engraving....... a lot.
Hmm...I secretly hope this is some kind of joke, but I know that it probably is not. I own 3 CRK folders and love them. They are some of the finest knives in my collection. However, I will not be buying any new ones bearing this bizarre stamp on them. Why make such a change when the formula has been so solid for years??? I really don't get it.
I wouldn't mind it if it was more subdued or in a less blatant place while still on the outside, like if it said it along the thin sides of the scales on the back:


Or another place could be on the lockbar, below the clip or not.

On the Starbenza I don't mind it because it's inconspicuous. Look at this picture and count how long it takes to find it (ok, the bad quality might be partially to blame :p):


The design helps hide it, I'm sure, but it's also because it's small and the lines of each letter are thin. If it was small like this on the regular 21, I think it'd be much less objectionable.
I hope that by conveying to the dealers that the new stamping is a no-go for purchase, CRK might rethink it...
On the Starbenza I don't mind it because it's inconspicuous. Look at this picture and count how long it takes to find it (ok, the bad quality might be partially to blame :p):


The design helps hide it, I'm sure, but it's also because it's small and the lines of each letter are thin. If it was small like this on the regular 21, I think it'd be much less objectionable.
100% agreed.
BTW, love the Wilson Combat logo on the clip - am I not consistent with disliking a big "IDAHO MADE" stamped right around the pivot? Don't think so. :D
This aesthetics issue aside, I wanted to explain one of my observations of Chris and Anne. As many of you know, they immigrated to the United States in 1989. When I met them a few years later, I observed them possessing the full on enthusiasm and determination that you rarely see in anyone but first generation immigrants. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen people that love America so much, and show it in their willingness to come to her defense with so much fervor. Despite the all consuming challenge of establishing and growing a small business, Chris and Anne worked hard to acquire their US citizenship. I was honored to be in attendance at their US Citizenry celebration in 2003.

Chris and Anne’s love and dedication to this country isn't just talk -- it pulses through their business philosophies and practices. With the overwhelming trend towards outsourcing manufacturing to Asia, they refuse to cave to the business case to follow this trend. As such, CRK maintains American manufacturing right here in Boise. For those of you that are involved in product development and manufacturing, this statement will resonate with you -- because of this loyalty to American and Idaho manufacturing, they are, quite frankly, forgoing getting wildly rich.

I haven’t talked with Chris or Anne about these latest markings on CRK products, but I can only surmise that what you’re seeing with the “Idaho Made” engraving is a little bit of Chris and Anne, gracing the face of their product.
I can see your point Fooj, but IMO the CR symbol is a "by word" for American made, high quality products already.
They really don't need that (IMO and every one elses it would seem) ugly engraving to help bolster that.

I like it and have no problem with it at all. :thumbup:

And quite frankly all the "bitching and moaning" about- IDAHO MADE -surprises me.
it looks like (( unnecessary vulgarity )).

i was getting ready to sell my stuff and get a new small Seb.

...guess ill be looking in the used market.

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I just don't get the "Idaho Made".
They are from South Africa for goodness sakes.
Are you serious, you really don't get it? :confused:

They are now US Citizens who live in Idaho, where the knives are made.
Thus .... " IDAHO MADE " .... The new marking, the new standard, for the same fantastic folders CRK has made for years.

Get on board, this extremely subtle very minor slight change in marking is not a bad thing at all. It is a subtle proud statement of a geographic location where a fantastic knife is made. :thumbup: :)

I Like It!!!!!

As long as this thread get's large enough, and other threads such as this pops up in other popular knife discussion threads, I'm sure he will take notice if more than 75% of his customers show that they don't like it. Just like a campaign, it needs to be spread to have an impact.

If people at knife shows tell him that they are not very happy with the new imprint, an anti-Idaho Made stamp Sebenza facebook appears, and other anti Idaho Made stamp threads appear all over, and he starts losing his loyal customers over this, I'm sure he will budge in the long run.. Hopefully sooner than later.

We have to keep this thread and others such as this alive.

You've got to be kidding.... a "protest thread on Facebook" about how a man marks his knives. :confused: :eek: :rolleyes:

See above....... get a life.
you say that he is now an american citizen like its happened 7 years is when they decide they want to show it off?

mind you, i totally understand the whole patriotic thing but damn...i say on the inside of the scales if it must be done....but it is done, and it isnt on the inside so its moot point.

it really looks bad, way too in your its upside odwn :thumbdn:
Naah, I didn't mean it like it was a recent thing. I was just trying to make the point that they did not live in, nor were citizens of; South Africa anymore. :)

And as far as the patriotic thing, I don't know if that is why he did it or not. I don't know why he chose to do it now.

The point to me is, he is the maker of these knives.... they are the same fine knives they were before they said - IDAHO MADE -. If this is how he wants to mark them..... fine with me and more power to him. :thumbup: :)

It is a very subtle change and is only "upside down" if you look at it that way. ;)
i suppose...its just that being sterile was one one of the most appealing traits it had. and you have to admit it is a bit drastic, whether the new stamp appeals to you or not

it would have been a little more bearable if it was simply "USA" and smaller font...trying to preserve sterility as much as possible while still getting the point across
I like to see things that say made in USA so maybe they can have a stamp with an outline of Idaho with "made in USA" on the inside of the outline. That I could get behind. Now am I saying I dislike the new stamp.. Not at all, im all for support your local people its just somthing new and its their knives and it wont stop me from signing my paychecks over to them.
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