I'm officially addicted - cure needed

Sweet. You will love your Al Mar S.E.R.E. 2000. It is my favorite folder. Although a close second and slowly climbing is my recently acquired Benchmade 710HS, which I see you have also ordered. I have wanted a 710 for awhile, and I just could'nt pass this up as it was being discontinued in this steel. This is an awesome folder. I can't put it down. It has become very smooth in the few days that I have had it, although still not quite as glassy smooth as the Al Mar. Here are a few pics. Let us know how you like yours.





Thanks for the recommendations from before, and for posting the exquisite pictures, lefthandblack!!!

As you can see, I took your recommendations quite seriously. :)

Now I can't wait til the knives arrive. I will post my experience with it once I get it.

Thanks again!
Hey, no problem. Sounds like you are really on a roll! You will really enjoy these blades. I Look forward to your reviews.
I suggest you take up knife making. It will burn up a lot of time and energy. After you get some tools you will just be in for the price of materials. It's kind of like growing your own weed, or poppies.
Sure there's a 12 step program.

1. Join BF's
2. Buy all the S&W's, Frost Cutlery etc that you can find
3. Buy a Spyderco
4. Sell all of the S&W's, Frost Cutlery etc that you bought during Step 2
5. Buy a Bench Made
6. Respond to a Sebenza thread saying they can't be worth the money
7. Buy a Sebenza
8. Respond to a Strider thread saying they can't be worth the money
9. Buy a Strider
10. Go to a custom knife show, meet the makers and buy your first custom
11. Sell all your Spyderco's and Benchmades to keep buying customs
12. Start using your $500 customs on a daily basis
blade_guy said:
Now, where can I get some professional help for this problem?
Benchmade, Spyderco, Al Mar, Kershaw, Bark River, Swamp Rat, Case, Queen, Boker, Eye Brand....

Any of these companies will gladly offer you some professional help with your knife problem... :D
I've got to admit it too, the knife bug just bit me. I've been lurking for a while and decided this would be a good time to chime in since i just received a brand spankin new 732 Ares. I can't help it...this has really turned into a sickness. I spend hours on end reading and researching these pages looking for new ways to spend my knife money.

On a brighter note i'd like to say that everyone seems to be friendly and helpful and i look forward to hanging around for a while.

Thanks for all the help fellas!
I know how you feel. I just started collecting again after buying a knife for my step-father. I hadn't owned a knife in over 20 yrs. Now, in the last two weeks, I have purchased...

1 Pro-tech Godson w/maple burl
1 Lone Wolf Paul w/burlwood
1 Kershaw Nakamura
1 Buck Alpha Hunter
1 SOG Twitch II
1 CRKT Wasp
2 Kershaw Scallions

And now I am searching for a pro-Tech Stinger (pewter handle combo blade) in stock somewhere. Luckily I did not get anything for x-mas or my b-day last month...choosing to wait until the Bose Cinemate system was back in stock. Now I have blown almost my entire surround sound budget on knives.
Been there, done that, and back. I started with making knives, mostly kits at first, and then, of course that got me into shop tools, and then to leather work. The more I learned about design/steel, etc the more I got interested in production stuff. I ran out of time for the making side, so I got a couple of production folders to "check it out" - so then I actually reached a point (I think I'm at somewhere between 80 to 100 folders) where there wasn't really all that much that I wanted, or not that so much, I wanted to spend that kind of money to acquire, especially after my Al Mar SERE 2K, anyway. New stuff I wanted was not slated till this month (goes back to about Oct./Nov), so I started on flashlights (now I have "enough", except for maybe one of the Surefires:), then had an opportunity to collect property, but ran out of money for a few months, so here I am back:D Nope - just go with the flow - no getting away:D I'm going to be doing a sheath for someone shortly who collects period pieces in sabres/swords/daggers (I think it's wall hanger stuff) and yes, I'm interested in that stuff as well, but if I get too interested, it could get ugly:D

- gord
I realized today, there really is no cure. After buying a BM 420 Resistor , BM Stryker , BMGrip and a BM535 this month, I swore I would not buy any more knives until '07 . Then I read a thread about the Kbar Dozier Folding Hunter with a D2 blade and... oh well I can quit next month.

The only thing I can honestly say I quit was buying flea market knives, I guess that's a start. Right?
The only cure I can think of is diversion, sometimes referred to as "getting a life". If you are really busy and involved in other things it just cuts into your time and attention for knife acquisition. A prime example of this getting a real hot girlfriend. Getting overworked doesn't do the job since it takes very little time to order and hord knives. I also find it hard to order knives if I am out in the forest using knives.
Getting a life can help. Especially the hot girlfriend thing. another problem with overworking is that it gives you more extra money to buy knives. These are the product of my overworking:

these more than double my damages for this year. so I am just as interested in a cure as anybody else.
i am sure that fixing a custom made damascus dinosaur ivory handled bayonet to your AR15 CAN make your two compulsive addictions compatible.:D
Back from my meeting...went something like this: "Hello, my name is Preston and I'm a Knifeaholic. Starting at a very young age I would sneak my father's knife and take it into the bathroom and lock the door. I would even go as far as taking the paring knife from the kitchen drawer to sharpen in the middle of the night..." The leader of the the meeting said repeat after me"..grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, between a drop point hunter and a spearpoint:eek: D2 and 440A...":D. Preston
Jeff Clark said:
The only cure I can think of is diversion, sometimes referred to as "getting a life". If you are really busy and involved in other things it just cuts into your time and attention for knife acquisition. A prime example of this getting a real hot girlfriend. Getting overworked doesn't do the job since it takes very little time to order and hord knives. I also find it hard to order knives if I am out in the forest using knives.

What about us poor chumps who already are in a 14 yr relationship??? Plus I am too old to get a life now.
LOL I have a very active life, but I still can't stop collecting super knives. :D

Here is the latest collection as of today.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Benchmade 710HS and Al Mar Sere 2000 S2k!!!

There's definitely an evolution that takes place and it seems to be towards better quality. The good news is that eventually you accumulate so many knives and you realize that you cannot possibley use all of them and some will end up "up" for adoption on ebay in which case you will realize that can finance your addiction as long as you keep selling off the ones that don't cut the mustard, so to speak.

It's a never ending process though!

Jeez. Since recently joining this forum I have purchased:

1. SOG Flash II (eventually sold to a friend)
2. CRKT M16-13

Then got the Benchmade Bug and bought:

3. BM 710
4. BM 551
5. BM 940

Benchmades are great, but there are so many others so I bought:

6. Emerson CQC-10
7. Lone Wolf T2 Harsey
8. Just ordered a Combat Elite RRF (my first custom)

Hmmm, needed a good survival fixed blade

9. Spec Plus SP2 Air Force (bought used from a member here)

I need help.