Been there, done that, and back. I started with making knives, mostly kits at first, and then, of course that got me into shop tools, and then to leather work. The more I learned about design/steel, etc the more I got interested in production stuff. I ran out of time for the making side, so I got a couple of production folders to "check it out" - so then I actually reached a point (I think I'm at somewhere between 80 to 100 folders) where there wasn't really all that much that I wanted, or not that so much, I wanted to spend that kind of money to acquire, especially after my Al Mar SERE 2K, anyway. New stuff I wanted was not slated till this month (goes back to about Oct./Nov), so I started on flashlights (now I have "enough", except for maybe one of the Surefires

, then had an opportunity to collect property, but ran out of money for a few months, so here I am back

Nope - just go with the flow - no getting away

I'm going to be doing a sheath for someone shortly who collects period pieces in sabres/swords/daggers (I think it's wall hanger stuff) and yes, I'm interested in that stuff as well, but if I get too interested, it could get ugly
- gord