Inside Information

i know i would appreciate more knowledge. there is nothing more aggravating than anticipating a new limited run model only to come home from worknot know when it is going to be released, and it was released that morning and sold out. Or limited runs no one knows about and again gets released while i am a work and sells out in hours.
How do you feel when you get a target date, then we miss it by 3 months?

I will understand if it is late if I am given notice. Things happen like that all the time to music albums and video games. They say the new release date has been moved from October to December, or whatever. I still know it is on its way and I will plan accordingly. I like to plan ahead and will have funds allocated for that item. If it is late, I will keep the money set aside. I personally don't like this zero information policy at all. When I see "coming soon" for a while I ask myself "What do they mean by soon, a month, a year, 3 years?" Then I give up and spend my money elsewhere. I am not hard to please. If you stated it will be released in the 4th quarter of 2013 that would be good enough for me. It does not have to be an exact date like November 1, 2013.
How do you feel when you get a target date, then we miss it by 3 months?

Well sure untill it turns out there is a wide variance with the actual production number, and the timing to get it out. Then what?

This is a touchy subject indeed.

It is obvious that KAI WANTS to give us all the information in the world. It's the 1% who HAS to spew out their diarrhea when there is a discrepancy that ruins it for the rest of us. It's not constructive criticism that led to the shutdown, it's the bashing.

How about this... Updates are posted on official threads with big bold disclaimers that numbers, dates, etc. are subject to change due to unforeseen developments. Include a warning that these threads are open for productive discussion and not bashing and the moment ONE PERSON gets sour.... Lock the thread, in fact DELETE the entire thread. Ban them from the subforum if you have to. It's actually a good way to weed them out.
How do you feel when you get a target date, then we miss it by 3 months?

Just provide information in good faith. Don't apologize or make up excuses. Usually when people are told "this is the way it is" they accept it and move on and APPRECIATE the truth. Design, engineering, materials availability and factory process flow issues come up. Most people who live in the real world realize this.

Of course there will be a minority of whiners that will make more noise than everyone else combined, but they can be dealt with - or ignored.

As for missing a target date, I would personally find it very interesting to know what is happening in the factory, how production is progressing, what production/design/engineering issues are being dealt with and how that all impacts the target date. You know, an explanation.
Just some status update at times is what I like. But I've been seeing it quite a bit recently, for instance LaRue Tactical totally stopped communicating with its customer base and now people are sitting in wait for rifles but with no time estimate. Before the madness it was under a year, now best guesses put it at closer to 2.

So I'm sure I'm like many others when it comes to just liking the occasional status update on big projects. It's not the wait for me, it's the not knowing
I for one wouldn't mind exact numbers after the run has completed and rough estimates before. That would help with how aggressively I/we go after a certain knife. Maybe a we are working on x knife now and it should be available in x month.
KAI Corp. / Jimmer_5,

Under this apparent and refreshing new spirit of openness (schedule & production numbers for the 0777-M390) and if it's not a big hush-hush, may we please get the final production numbers for both the 0560CBCF & 0777 completed projects?

Appreciate it.
How do you feel when you get a target date, then we miss it by 3 months?

It tell me the knife is at least in the pipeline, and not sitting on a shelf. I'd rather that than get no info at all, then miss the knife like I did the 600.
Missed target dates are a disappointment, but we live in the real world and things happen. For those that throw hissy fits because of it are just childish and haven't lived through enough experiences. That may sound harsh, but its the truth. I've been a video gamer since I was 4 yrs old. When I was in my teens and I started to pay attention to game release dates and such, I was often disappointed with delays. Its nice to have an approximation of something, maybe even a window of expectancy, but to want to pinpoint anything in life to a very specific day/hour/minute/etc you set yourself up to be disappointed. This is especially true for college, jobs, relationships, etc. I want to graduate high school, then go to college, then graduate college in 4yrs, then find a job out of college, then find the perfect person, get married, then after 2 yrs have a boy, then a girl, then retire, then die. Sounds boring when you list it from start to finish. Its the journey thats the most exciting and the best teacher.

If you give a window of say 2 weeks or a month of when to expect the first shipment of knives to go out, that's great, and make a statment to go with that announcement that not all orders may not be filled by the first shipment.
The anticipation of a new model and the chase to get one are a large part of the collectors makeup. To not have any info available will hurt sales, at least to major collectors and fans. If the info is given out in a proper way as far as protecting expectations, I see it as a win for everyone.

Furthermore, the recent ban on info has only increased questions from consumers to me, so I would have to suspect it is the same with other dealers as well.

I feel that Dave hit the nail on the head. It's unfortunate that some of the threads have gotten out of hand in the past considering that the majority of us are adults with jobs and responsibilities. I would love any information that you are willing to provide and feel the recent M390 777 was a great example of the format that I would like to see. I also agree that if the thread gets out of hand, feel free to lock it right up and not waste your time reading mouth diarrhea. For as angry as some people get and some of the unacceptable things that are said, ZT is having Zero Problems selling out of the LE and most production knives as well. Thanks for all that you do!
It's like tuning to a news channel that keeps saying: "Sorry, we don't have any information for you." After awhile you just tune to a different channel.
It's like tuning to a news channel that keeps saying: "Sorry, we don't have any information for you." After awhile you just tune to a different channel.
Thought we already established that there are no other channels. Well except for that PBS one, and no one watch's that.
Thought we already established that there are no other channels. Well except for that PBS one, and no one watch's that.

That's simply not true. Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is on PBS and I for one am a big fan. :p
Where the hell is my pizza, exactly how many slices are there, and when will it be delivered?