Is Wranglerstar on Youtube a reliable source of information about axes etc.?

Jan 3, 2015
I enjoy his videos and he seems very earnest, knowledgeable and aboveboard. his reviews showing actual hard use of axes and effect on edges vs simply turning them over and pointing at them on a desk is especially useful.

In reading these forums and googling his name here there are often people cautioning that his "how to" videos re instructions on topics from sharpening and repairing axes to framing structures etc. have significant chunks of misinformation and should not be heeded as credible sources. Not that he is willfully misrepresenting information, but that his skills and knowledge in these things is somewhat amateurish, and lacking and following his instructions will potentially lead to problems.

Is this true?
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I think he means well, but I only watch for entertainment, though very little of that as his constant use of the phrase "proper axe" irritates me mightily. Spend an hour a day using an axe and you'll know as much as Wranglerstar after a surprisingly short time.
It makes one wonder why he then used this phrase to describe the video: "A proper brush axe is hard to find. Today I'll put the Kelly Works brush axe to the ultimate test." Perhaps putting it to the test, yes, but the ultimate test? The very springy brush that he states it is ineffective on is the very sort of growth it's actually intended for. While it's good that he acknowledges his own limited knowledge of the tool, it's a perfect example of him demonstrating that ignorance. This is what I like to call the danger of a little knowledge. He knows just enough about the subjects he covers in order to project the persona of an expert to those who are rote beginners, when he is a novice himself.
It makes one wonder why he then used this phrase to describe the video: "A proper brush axe is hard to find. Today I'll put the Kelly Works brush axe to the ultimate test." Perhaps putting it to the test, yes, but the ultimate test? The very springy brush that he states it is ineffective on is the very sort of growth it's actually intended for. While it's good that he acknowledges his own limited knowledge of the tool, it's a perfect example of him demonstrating that ignorance. This is what I like to call the danger of a little knowledge. He knows just enough about the subjects he covers in order to project the persona of an expert to those who are rote beginners, when he is a novice himself.

Fair enough.
Agree with the others. He's a farm worker, so good on him. But like some old-timer advice it may get the job done while preventing you from learning a lesson.
As Kant said, "Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play."
I like watching his videos, looks like he is living his dream. There is plenty of information on the web, it is pretty easy to sort out who knows what they are doing if you actually use your tools and compare results. I used to bristle about his use of the word "Proper"- believe it has become a tongue in cheek type thing on his page. I watched a vid he made of him topping off a tree in somebody's front yard that was very entertaining lol. He was shook like a rag doll when that top fell- took some stones to continue. I haven't gaffed up a pole in thirty years and I felt that pucker watching it.
With 177,000 subscribers and who knows how many that watch and aren't subscribed- he is getting plenty of feedback and advise from plenty of experienced folks that tend to put him on the right path.
On a side note of experts. I just watched a couple episodes of Axe men and the idiots who recover logs down south. I understand it is TV and they like drama- but... these guys are trying to kill themselves or worse someone they work with. So much for the "Learning from the pros". Much like the train wreck shows of commercial fisherman.
Axe Men is for entertainment ONLY. Im neighbors with two of the Gustafson brothers and there's a reason they declined to be on it further. Same with Mike and Melvin.
Some of his info is a bit off, for example when he did that video judging whether the axes were good or not just by looking at them on a website.......but after watching that video where he was on top of that 70 foot tree and the tree shook him, he gained more respect from me because I cut trees myself as one of my side jobs and it can get really dangerous sometimes.
Some of his info is a bit off, for example when he did that video judging whether the axes were good or not just by looking at them on a website
I agree although the actually field testing he did to compare axes made even less sense to me. When the head loosened up on a Autine axe that was gifted to his son from the maker- he spanked the guy. lol. Eventually he came to the conclusion that the "Casting" was not correct in the front at the narrowest point and it had been filled with weld. I don't agree with his findings- have yet to see anyone else take apart and show a $300 axe in a video. I also like that he has done a video stating he has turned down and will not appear in reality TV.
Yeah right .... my guess is the Autine came lose because of misuse/over-use stemming from the misconception that axe was the be all end all. A running joke around here is the "Osage" pronounced like massage - I forget which video that was in. We now call Hedge, Ossaaaage.

I'm indifferent about him though. On the one hand I think it's great what he's trying to do and I think it's great that he's happy about it. On the other hand, it sure seems like he must have plenty of coin which makes things simpler I'm sure. I have noticed that he's catching on to the fact that metal wedges may not be as universally accepted as he'd like to think they are.

ETA: Just noticed the vegan nonsense and I will say if he ends up thinking that is actually the way to go, I'll probably stop watching him altogether. :)
The jury is still out on him with me. I've watched several videos, some I like and some I don't like. As of late I haven't watched him, especially the vegan crap. The "proper" word bugs the frick out of me too.
I'm indifferent about him though. On the one hand I think it's great what he's trying to do and I think it's great that he's happy about it. On the other hand, it sure seems like he must have plenty of coin which makes things simpler I'm sure. .
I thought the same thing. I cant help being attracted to the outdoors type TV shows and you tube videos . I tune out all the nonsense and think of how or what I might to in the situations shown.
Yeah right .... my guess is the Autine came lose because of misuse/over-use stemming from the misconception that axe was the be all end all. A running joke around here is the "Osage" pronounced like massage - I forget which video that was in. We now call Hedge, Ossaaaage.

I'm indifferent about him though. On the one hand I think it's great what he's trying to do and I think it's great that he's happy about it. On the other hand, it sure seems like he must have plenty of coin which makes things simpler I'm sure. I have noticed that he's catching on to the fact that metal wedges may not be as universally accepted as he'd like to think they are.

ETA: Just noticed the vegan nonsense and I will say if he ends up thinking that is actually the way to go, I'll probably stop watching him altogether. :)

Wouldn't he make 100 a day or so from the videos? Haven't checked what youtube pays recently...
maybe you all should watch with the proper look, and listen with proper ears,so you might understand properly:p