Kiljoy KutLery, WIP, designs and completed blades.

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KilJoy KutLery Hello,
I'm Gene Pinault, and I've been around Bladeforums since 2006.
I made my first knife in 1998, right after I got out of the US Army Infantry, working in the same machine shop my Grandfather and Uncle had worked at for a combined 70 years.
Later I made my mark down here in Texas as a top end carpenter and hardware specialist.
I was a hobby maker all these years (and sold or gifted almost all of the knives I made or modified)..(maybe I can get some pics of old work??)
Well, I'm old and living out in the sticks now..and I think it's time to explore my creative side and make some Knives.
I like Survival knives, Tactical knives and Bushcraft knives.. I tend to be accused of making "overbuilt knives" or what I call tough.. I both forge and do stock removal.
My company is called KILJOY KutLery and I based the name on WW1 and WW2 graffiti.
"Kilroy was here" (and the little cartoon)was taught to me by my Grandfather..who was a gunnersmate on LCT 333 during the 2nd world war.

Thanks for reading all this, I hope it's ok here.
(PS..I have 10 large full Tang bad ass knives on the bench..some in 1095 with hamon and some in 80CRv2, keep an eye out in the Knife maker marketplace)

I just saw a pretty little Pukko, reportedly made by you, on Blade Forums, but it sold before I could act. Are there more of these, and how are they obtained, I've had no luck on Blade Forums, Knife Exchange, Sargent-Edged Tools, or FaceBook. Anyway, hope this makes contact. It was a nice looking knife that I would like to have. Thanks.
I just saw a pretty little Pukko, reportedly made by you, on Blade Forums, but it sold before I could act. Are there more of these, and how are they obtained, I've had no luck on Blade Forums, Knife Exchange, Sargent-Edged Tools, or FaceBook. Anyway, hope this makes contact. It was a nice looking knife that I would like to have. Thanks.
Hello, I'm currently back doing carpentry to pay the bills.. the recession is making it difficult to get shop time, so for now, I am not planning on taking orders. I do have plans to make several small Puukko knives out of 5/32 80CRv2 as soon as I find the time. They are drawn out on the steel, waiting to be cut out.
Thanks for your interest.