Lemme Phreak - D Guard Bowie build

Just a nail through a piece of leather, the nail is pushed in a vise and tapped a couple of times. Holds the guard down so you can shape it.
Something is out of proportion and I can't put my finger on it. Like that Pirate with a ships wheel for a belt buckle, It's driving me nuts.

Looks like things are really starting to take shape.
Seems they're polite and respectful of other peoples ideas too. ;)

Ghaaaah! I have some images in my melon of what is going on here. Will I be wrong? Am I being presumptuous? Is presumptuous too big of a word for me to be using? Can I make a partial guess just to quell my curiosity? Maybe ask for a hint? Will I ever forgive Jared for keeping this a secret? Will Chester Tate ever remember who he really is? Confused? You won't be after this episode of SOAP. o_O

Hope you don't hate me after this is over... :p
Looking forward to Chris seeing this, wonder if he was on the right track.