Lemme Phreak - D Guard Bowie build

Knives are like beautiful woman (feel free to insert - er add :confused: - your own preference) - You can't have them all. NOW - I have to stop here. My beautiful woman hates it when I talk like this. She is not persuaded by my analogy. I get it - though little comfort derived.

Please don't fight amongst yourselves my brothers. :rolleyes:

Meditation is useful or music. ;)

Happy New Year.


Lovin' the Silver Surfer John :thumbsup:
Paging Dr. Dopic1 Dopic1 and the Drum Monkey!:D

Hold my beer, I got this...

Those blades are delish.


Wait, that's right, Mack's a Southpaw... :p

But yes, yes they are!!! :cool: :thumbsup:
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