Lone_Wolfe Needs an Avatar Contest GAW

I really wish I had glamour pics like that of one of the more well known knives.
Would it be legal/possible to utilize a photo off of Google images? As long as its not primarily used for commercial purposes? Unsure, obviously, of the copyright issues involved here. Sure someone will soon weigh in on this aspect. Thanks.
Would it be legal/possible to utilize a photo off of Google images? As long as its not used for commercial purposes?

I don't see why not. If you don't want it used, don't put it out there.
Yes, wonder in general how that works for any Internet information and photos. My avatar is the ship I was stationed upon. Once owned by the Department of the Navy, and all of you taxpayers. Vessel now scrapped (Toyota's and razor blades), but photo property of some entity.
Been busy but how about something like this, this took about 10 minutes. I could put any Sebenza in there so long as I have a good pic.

