Not a flame, but Why is a Sebi better than my Mil?

don't do it! don't go with all the hype about chris reeve's over rated over priced production i repeat production knives. you can buy a quality custom piece for around the same price with less mass production than the sebenza's.
I have held my comments long enough.
All this talk about the Sebenza being so expensive for a "production knife" compared to a "real custom knife" is really moot. Do yourself a favor: go to a shop or knife show and compare a Sebenza side by side to any custom knife. Only after you do this will you know what a Reeve Sebenza is all about. Just remember that a Sebenza is meant to be used, not put on a shelf to be admired. You'll admire it every time you pull it out of your pocket, open it, cut something, close it and then put it back in your pocket.
It's not the most beautiful knife in terms of looks (I'm talking about the plain versions), but if you really want a knife to use, the Sebenza IS the most beautiful knife. Please, let's stop this completely anal debate about "custom vs production". If you picked up a Sebenza and any other custom knife side by side without knowing anything about either knife, you'd probably think they both were customs.
Thanks for letting me rant.
Just deleting double post!

[This message has been edited by Chris Reeve Knives (edited 11-09-2000).]
In generally Japanese customers think Seb is
too expensive to get. Because Small seb has
price tag of $900 in my country.
But in the US or EU countries $305.
I can say it is very cheap compared with its
custom quality.
I have three Sebs bought from US dealers directly, but most of Japanese buy Sebs from
Japanese dealers at too high price and they
are satisfied though.
I have owned four expensive custom knives all were inferior in construction and detail wrt my small Sebenza. These customs cost 1.5 times the basic Sebenza and three of the four had blades which would rub on the liner unless the pivot screw was tightened so much they were difficult to open. One knive lock would fail when light finger pressure was applied to the blades' back.

All were purchased new from a respected dealer. In fact one of the knives was made by a very famous custom shop that has 3-4 years backlog. Sold all the "customs" and vowed never again,,,,,until I picked up a Sebenza!

If you want jewelery, buy a custom,,,for a using knife that is designed for working,,,,Sebenza.


Wow, $900! Do you want me to send you some at $305 for you to resell ;-)?

The Japanese government must be protecting your local knifemakers bigtime.

Gary Ranson
If you want jewelry you should get Wood Inlay
or Damascus Sebs.
They looking very good and are very good using knives. They keep edges for a long time
unbelievably. I wonder they can ever be dull?
I don't think them as just production knives.
Between production and custom,cheap as custom.
They are of over-quality with that price.

Glad to get such passionate and honest opinions, without the need to resort to insults and slander. Thanks for that!
. I must say I know at least that Sebi owners are a better class of people, so maybe you have something eh?

Still... A custom Damascus steel knife, or a factory blade in BG-42? Hmmmmmm
And trust me there is not that much difference in price.

The Sebi is so expensive, how can it qualify as a working knife? Ok so if I did not own all my other knives I could have what? 15-20 Sebi`s EASY.
.Still how dull would that be? Be brave, go custom


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto
It is not government policy, just bad importers do.
Recently you can get small seb at $430 in Japan from good importers. It is getting better by degrees in Japanese knife market.
Despite the circumstances, I will still buy
knives from US at US prices via internet.
Ignorance makes you waste your money.

Just deleting double post!

[This message has been edited by Chris Reeve Knives (edited 11-09-2000).]
Deleting double double post!!

[This message has been edited by Chris Reeve Knives (edited 11-09-2000).]
Why the double post?

"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto
Why the double post?... DOH!

"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto
General - I own many Benchmades (including M2 710) and many CRK knives, and customs. I have to say that the Benchmades are not very consistent at all in quality of manufacture: poor edge geometry, inconsistent grind lines, excessive heat treating, etc., etc. But I do like my Axis lock, and carry it alternately with my Sebenzas and Microtech LCC. By the way, most 710s I have handled seem to be very well made.
With proper edge geometry, my 710 is functionally the equal of my Sebenzas.
But there is the difference. Sebenzas are consistently as flawless in manufacturing as any knife on the planet. Pick one up here, pick one up there - they are all the same and at a uniformly near-flawless construction. As the late James Mattis noted, the difference between a Pinnacle and a Sebenza is all in the details.
And the very rare times when a Sebenza isn't quite right - well, CRK customer service is at the highest level, bar none.
Are true customs any better than the Sebenzas? In my opinion, no - not in terms of flawless construction, materials, or consistency. Flawless is flawless.
Where customs are better than Sebenzas are in matters of choice: design and materials.
But I have purchased knives from some of the top custom makers in the world, and their execution in manufacture is no better than a CRK! And many times the custom maker's customer service/customer relations leaves much to be desired.
Bottom line: Sebenzas are at the top tier in the industry in consistent quality, materials, and customer service. They are worth the money. But I cannot argue with you if you find a custom maker that can make a knife to your specification with your choice of materials and design, and build it to perfection, and give you superb after sales service. If you can find all that in a custom knife, then go for it! (But I sincerely doubt you will get all that for $350!)
Months ago, I posted somewhat the same observation. Why shell out the price of a decent gun, for a 'knife'?
In the meantime, I've bought a couple of everyday production folders. One was/is disappointing to a certain extent. The other has been more than satisfactory, so much so that I bought two more of the same model.

Now, I've had the opportunity to handle several Sebs. The reports about the quality, consistency and and feelings of confidence instilled are all TRUE. I'm going to take the leap and send out my check tonight! One thing I HOPE that is not true, is how addicting they become, just like good watches.
I'm afraid you will become quite addicted to Sebenzas. I have four and one on the way. Large and small NICA tantos, plain, CGG Rising Moon and a small curly maple wood inlay that is probably on a plane heading in my direction. You may have alot less money but the pleasure of having such fine knives will make up for it. And who knows? These knives may turn out to be the best investment that you will ever make! And about the guns, you can buy a gun with that kind of money but how often to you get to use your guns and how much do they cost to use? When was the last time you shot a bad guy? I use my knives everyday and can carry them anywhere (well maybe not to a courthouse and maybe not to talk to our soon to be ex-president). How many knife makers encourage you to take apart their knives, clean them and put them back together? Only by doing this can you truly appreciate the quality that goes with these knives. Call CRK and you may have the pleasure of talking to Bridget. CRK customer service rivals that of Mercedes. And thanks to Anne for her diligent monitoring of these posts, something that Mark dropped the ball on but I guess he was too busy making walking sticks!
The difference between Sebenza and Military became very clear to me when I owned both. And guess which one I traded away?

In general there is nothing wrong with the Military. It's just that it didn't feel right for me. It was too big for every day carrying and I didn't like the the linerless G10 handle too much.

The Sebenza on the other hand (especially witht the old style handle) comes close to being a perfect knife. I carry my full size version almost every day and never had any problems with it. It fits very well in the pocket to the point where you forget you carry it, mine doesn't fry the fabric anymore after I polished the handles and the cutting performance is of course excellent. Add to this the fact that you can easily clean it and there isn't much left to be desired.

So why don't I carry it today? Well, today is a special day (who is the new president?) and I wear a Mark VI in a Concealex IWB sheath right here in the office
Well it got me thinking at least.

I will get a Sebi at some point, probably the next knife I will buy. When I am in this 'club' I will let you know if it was worth it.


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto