O.T. Scheduled for surgery......Maybe twice.

May 18, 1999
Just wanted to let y'all know that I'm scheduled for surgery this next Monday. The time hasn't been set as yet, but the appointment is solid, it will be done.
That is unless there's something haywire with my pre-op tests.
The orthopedic is gonna take off about the top third of my left large toe as there's a bone calcification in and on the joint, as well as arthritis, which causes a great deal of pain.
It often hurts more than my back does.:(
I will be off my feet for at least a week with this one and hopefully will be able to get back to working out the 2nd week, but time will tell.;)

Then I'm scheduled to see my neurosurgeon on March 13th, or thereabouts, to see about getting my sacroliliac fused.
My pain management doc says this should cut down a lot on the back pain I have.
I've done some research on this and haven't quite made up my mind about having it as it's a whole lot more serious than I first thought with a really large incision having to be made.
And if the doc wants to go through the front to fuse it from the inside he can forget I ever showed up!!!!
I will probably be down at least a couple of weeks with this one until I'm allowed to do much of anything.
At least I've got my Barbie, my friends, my computer and lots of good books to catch up on.:)

So if y'all can take the time to offer up some prayers or smoke or whatever for me it will be much appreciated.:D
Man, the lengths to which some people will go to catch up on their reading;) Yvsa-- good luck with your surgery. What you have described sounds less than fun to put it mildly, but if it will help to reduce your pain, then it's worth it. I will be sending all the good energy I can muster your way.
You are in our prayers. No one knows better than I do that surgery is a life-changing experience, but may you have the best possible outcome, and come through it with flying colors.
A friend of mine had two vertebrae fused and found it very helpful. Here's hoping.

Prayers said,

Good Luck Yvsa. Hope all goes well. You're in my prayers.
Plenty of prayers going out from here. Mom has had three fusions, plus two hip replacements, 86 and still kickin and screaming.
Yvsa: Praying for you. Hoping the doctors know what they are doing and are telling the truth. Take Barb to watch over you and make sure she has power to make decisions when you're loaded on pain meds.

Hey bro, you gotta pull thru this one so you can teach me how to open the chest and do the mayan thing on cutting out a still beating cardiologist's heart.
Hang in there, Bro. Smoke going up from the hills, also. Watch it, tho'...you're gonna wind up with more table time than I've got if you're not careful :eek:

Ahhh...that's operating...not dinner. I know you got me on that one :rolleyes:
Prayers headed your way from Fort Hood Yvsa. Hang tough and pinch a pretty nurse for me.

Even more back surgery?:(

If you can get through this then you may be the toughest man I'll ever meet.
Good luck with the surgery, Yvsa. Its never a pleasant experience but if it helps lessen the pain it will be worth it. Hang in there.

Semp --
As always Yvsa you are in my prayers! Couple of weeks down time, heak if I know you, you will be back at it in a couple of days!;) You take care and we will see you in no time!
Prayer made. Now what would cheer you up while convalescing, one sick joke a day? Here ya go, one on credit:

What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

Anybody can roast beef.

I'll have you in the prayers every night. Hope the recovery will be much more painless than what you are going through now. Some of them Saw Bones know what they are doing. God Bless. Hang tough.:)