OT~ Begging a favor....

Hey, I'm there man! Smoke going up right now and best wishes for a smooth pain free event.

You sure hit it on the head about some folks living to spread chaos. I never really knew that until just in the last few months. Naive I guess. But what you are saying is the stone cold truth.

Take care and come back and tell us how it went.


Very relieved to hear Shane made it through surgery. My prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery.
I'm glad everything went according to plan. Heal up fast, Shane:) Thanks for the update, Wendy.

QUOTE: "Just wanted you all to know the initial outcome without needing to wait for tomorrow.



Thanks for the good news & your considseratness in the middle of all this. :)
OK Guys,

I lived through it. Always good when you can say that...

I got home this afternoon...

There were no complications...even though we had a last minute scare over a possible blood clot...all is well..

Wendy was omforted by all your good thoughts...they helped her make it through...

I am deeply grateful for all your help and good thoughts for me and mine.

There is really not time or words for me to say how I feel...

How do we know you're the real Shane? They didn't give you any....zombie parts, did they?

Well done Shane, welcome back to health.

Good to go Shane :thumbup: Now quit yer slackin' and get back to makin' them purty sharp pointy thangs :D

I still say he has to sign a new "Living Dead Will" and be tested...he may just not smell yet.

Good to see it went well bud...

I meant to get back sooner...but the whole new Password and secret handshake bit to get in everyday has me a bit flustered...four new passwords later...I am back...:)

I could be Living Dead...I guess...how would I know? All my parts are still pretty fresh...and it has been cool here...so decomposition might take longer....:p

I do have 8 holes, varying in size from one quarter inch to about an inch and a half, in my abdomen now...they all smell ok...:D

Now I am worried...is there an antidote....or should Wendy just shoot me now?:confused:

I am humbled by all the support and good wishes that came from HI...

there is no doubt that I am doing so well because of all the positive forces sent my way..

Thank you all!

Zombiism hasn,t set in for sure . You still have a sense of humour . Zombis can,t laugh . Their lower jaw keeps falling off ! L:O:L
Glad you are back . Take it easy and post when you can . Oh if you feel your bottom jaw loosening up ? Nasty has a cure ! L:M:A:O:
Shane - How are you feeling? Got any good scar pictures yet?

(See...zombies don't scar...they're dead after all...this way we can prove Shane isn't merely a reanimated lump of rotting meat waiting to get at some poor Cantinistas brain.)

Let us know bud...
Shane, all the support and love was yours already, apriori. Heal well.

I had an awful thought about 'parts'. You know how clothes used to be plain, but slowly the corporations moved their logos ever closer to view? Levis had a lot to do with it. But anyway, soon young people were wearing T shirts around town, even to formal dinner with a advertisement on the front in bold letters. What is more, we'd become desensitized enough that this was unspectacular; we didn't notice. Well, that's how bad it's become in clothes, (and in broadcast networks) imagine prosthetic devices, limbs and even vital organs? Imagine getting a heart and emblazoned across the front of it: ADM; Supermarket to the World.

Don't worry though, you can't see it in daylight; only at night when it glows can you read the letters through the skin on your chest.

Nasty said:
Shane - How are you feeling? Got any good scar pictures yet?

(See...zombies don't scar...they're dead after all...this way we can prove Shane isn't merely a reanimated lump of rotting meat waiting to get at some poor Cantinistas brain.)

Let us know bud...

Yea, scars would be proof and about the only thing that could be trusted.:thumbup: :D
As everyone knows those dayumed zombies will lie to you.
IN the original, first and best Night Of The Living Dead, our hero is finally shot to death by white bigots who thought he was a zombie. He was a black guy, left alive in the house, and just started to greet the healthy humans when he was killed.

I love that movie.

I don't agree on this one munk...he was just the hero. I don't think there was anything indicating they were bigots.

Trigger happy, maybe...prejudiced against the walking dead, certainly...

But there was no black/white issue.

Please give a reference if I have forgotten something...it *has* been a long time since I viewed it but I have a copy handy.
The irony was not lost on me, but I must have missed the bigotry part. The "mop up crew" were plugging anything in their assigned kill box with the, obviously erroneous, assumption that anything left in that area must already be a zombie. Since the zombies were pretty much non-vocal, other than moaning and groaning, I'm pretty sure if he'd started hollering for help prior to poking his head in the window, he'd have been okay. Hollering saved me from getting shot one dark night in Desert Storm during an attack, if I'd of kept my mouth shut and just assumed the guys with a bead on me knew I was a friendly, I'd be all kinds of dead right now.

Now Shane on the other hand, still waiting on pics of them scars, 'cause as Yvsa rightly pointed out, zombies ain't to be trusted.;)

I thought about that, Nasty. I decided it was the unconscious kind, the not worth a second look kind. But you're right- he was a hero, and during the times that picture was made, actually made a social statement. His was the cool head and good plans, and the compassion. We wanted to be him.

That's the hero, alright.

But if anyone disagrees with me that's great. It's a wonderful motion picture and hit a lot of folks in different ways. I can say it's meant something different to me each time in my life I've seen it, seperated by many years as the viewings were.

munk said:
... I can say it's meant something different to me each time in my life I've seen it, seperated by many years as the viewings were.

Ahh...the very definition of a classic!