OT Hanoi Jane Fonda

Feb 23, 2002
Lest we forget...

From time to time there have been references on this forum to that traitor bi@ch Jane Fonda.

For those younger members who may not know of her traitorous actions during the Vietnam war, here is a picture of her sitting at an anti-aircraft gun in North Vietnam. No Vietnam Vet needs a reminder.


There are several sites on the web that detail the aid and comfort she gave the enemy. This is one of them.

Hanoi Jane

As our our sons and daughters march to war and protestors line the streets, lets not forget again.

I notice the web site you linked to has the same tired urban legend about Jane that we've all received email about dozens of times. Jane did plenty of bad stuff; there is no reason to make up this stuff about slips of paper, etc. This page not only says what isn't true but lists out all the things she really did: http://www.snopes.com/military/fonda.htm

The most serious accusations in the piece quoted above -- that Fonda turned over slips of paper furtively given her by American POWS to the North Vietnamese and that several POWs were beaten to death as a result -- are proveably untrue. Those named in the inflammatory e-mail categorically deny the events they supposedly were part of.

"It's a figment of somebody's imagination," says Ret. Col. Larry Carrigan, one of the servicemen mentioned in the 'slips of paper' incident. Carrigan was shot down over North Vietnam in 1967 and did spend time in a POW camp. He has no idea why the story was attributed to him. "I never met Jane Fonda."

The tale about a defiant serviceman who spit at Jane Fonda and is severely beaten as a result is often attributed to Air Force pilot Jerry Driscoll. He has repeatedly stated on the record that it did not originate with him.

The story about a POW forced to kneel on rocky ground while holding a piece of steel rebar in his outstretched arms is true, though. That account comes from Michael Benge, a civilian advisor captured by the Viet Cong in 1968 and held as a POW for 5 years. His original statement, titled "Shame on Jane," was published in April by the Advocacy and Intelligence Network for POWs and MIAs.
Semper Fi- I'll catch hell for this. I don't know if she's ever tried to apologize for what she did. Perhaps with many no apology is possible- after all, she poses with an anti aircraft battery that shoots our boys down. I must note though that her break with Turner was because of her getting in touch with the Lord through her Rocky Mountain neighbors- she is a born again Christian. I don't know what to make of this. It is perplexing. Most my friends hate her, and I'm not fond of her and don't watch her movies, any more than I watch anything with OJ in it.

Those congressmen who went to Bagdad offended me. I can only imagine how vets feel about Jane. My hope is she is a different person than the tool-fool who posed when she was young and arrogant. A lot of us were never as square as you were. It took some of us more time.

When I was in Viet Nam, I could care less who went TO Hanoi. My concern was what came FROM Hanoi.

I don't care less what her politics were, Jane Fonda was hot stuff in "Barbarella".
What a way to start the morning!

I was under the impression that aid to the enemy = treason. But, it seems the rules which apply to the common man do not apply to Hollywood royalty.
I was under the impression that aid to the enemy = treason. But, it seems the rules which apply to the common man do not apply to Hollywood royalty

Well said.

I think Justice would have been done if the U.S. bombers had happened to hit that AA gun while she was sitting at it. I'm sure she raised the morale of the NVA by a large margin. Better morale=better fighters=more dead US soldiers. IMO. But I know about as much about combat as I do about Quantum Physics....
"I was under the impression that aid to the enemy = treason."

That is, and always has been true, in times of war. But The Vietnam Conflict was never declared a war by congress so therefor, there was no "enemy" of the U.S.

It was a domestic rebellion, instigated and supported by Hanoi. The U.S. was there to support the regime in Siagon and to build the U.S. presence in South East Asia.

To the American troops in the field the enemy was "anyone out there except us", but in reality they were not our enemy, they were the enemy of the political structure in Siagon.

The only thing Jane Fonda was guilty of, other than bad judgement, was defying a U.S. travel ban.
Over 58,226 Americans died in that country. I call that a war.

As for Hanoi Jane, I will forgive her when the Jews forgive Hitler.

Never forget.
That is a tame photo!! The one I remember is of her sitting on the AA laughing & pointing like she is shooting NV were laughing too! Yeah, big joke!!:mad: She also made the comment when told about the way the prisoners were treated,"THOSE ARE LIES THE NVA WOULD NEVER TREAT PRISONERS THAT WAY"!!FORGIVE & FORGET!!Let bygones be bygones! NO way!! She liked NV much, take her $$ away,send her over there PERMINATELY!! She is nothing but a Traitor, wouldn't call her a BITCH,that would be insulting dogs!!
While I agree with most of what has been said, I will say this.

That was along time ago, she was very young and stupid back then.

People make mistakes for sure, some are worse than others.

But then again there where and still are alot of Hollywood types with some really off the wall politics to say the least. I don't really have any use for any of them other than if they are good actors or not.

Jane Fonda is a good actress and that's all I really have to say about her.
That is, and always has been true, in times of war. But The Vietnam Conflict was never declared a war by congress so therefor, there was no "enemy" of the U.S.

That is the key distinction. An actual declaration of war would have declare all of the North Vietnamese citizenship the official enemy, and the US military would be free, and actually mandated, to target everyone with every weapon at our disposal. It would mean that the gloves come off. For the US that would have been taken as a test of our political will. For the Enemy, there would have been nothing but mass starvation and mass death.

Domestically, we probably would not have seen many protest marches and events. The organizers would have been tried as traitors, and extensive and intrusive forms of censorship would have been the norm.

A formal war is a serious adult level game. Words like collateral damage, and surgical strikes have no meaning.
