OT Hanoi Jane Fonda

Ganymede or Io?

You aren't thinking of slumming on that one with all the stuff from earth scattered about about are you? Besides, it's in the same dangerous neighborhood.
I believe the term you're looking for is: "IN DEEP KIM-CHEE!"
Kendo- thank goodness most Aussies don't think like you. I don't give a rosy red rat's...well, you get the idea. You don't seem to understand what the US does for the world. Bad move, dude; we and your countrymen give blood to make this whole ball work. They haven't died for nothing. Get that?

Militano, I can't disagree with you or Semper Fi. I would even applaud your actions- piss away. I am wrestling with forgiveness. Normally Bill would weigh in on this- but even he rejects Jane.

No news that I tend to agree with munk pretty much. But as a co-moderator try to take the high road. ( After sowing the low road with caltrops, of course. ):footinmou :footinmou :footinmou
Thanks Rusty. Somtimes I feel like the idiot who will say anything where Angels fear to tread.

But then a guy like Militano comes around and puts all my thought into perspective. Someone who put his ass where his heart was. Against that, a Fonda is what? Oh yeah...just another lost soul.

Friends are good anytime, enemies are good when they're feeding the worms. It didn't end with Fonda, there's plenty Hollywood types right now engaged in the "anti-war" movement. Saddam must be tickled pink.

Munk: probably a lot of happy angels relieved that you're around to do the dumb stuff so they don't need to put their derrieres near the dangerous stuff.

Yup, come to think of it, you're probably the answer to an angel's prayers! :D ;)
once again my posts are read the wrong way.

i and a lot of aussies feel the same way. it is not a waste .
what i am saying is it is a shame it has to be this way.

your own celebrities are now entering the fray, a prominent one being mr sheen,his words= [inspections are the way not war]

what a joke they havent worked yet nor will they they are a waste of time and energy.

and just so there is no room for misunderstanding, i do understand the contribution the americans make and the sacrifices on the worlds behalf and there own. and the blood spilt by the usa forces and all our other allies, all i and thousands of other aussies are thinking is, what a pity it has to come to this. but yes it is neccesary,but i am fearfull of the cost to our troops, both usa and all the allies. regards kendo.
thanks for that, kendo. Australia has been one of our best friends. They consistently put their money and blood where their mouth is. I don't think
God makes better friends than that.

i understand the feelings are running high on this,for and against.
but its like the second world war being rerun,apease, apease, peace at all costs,then the inevitable conflict brcause thats all madmen understand. of course all the good peoples in the world want peace. but at what price ????.
do we do as chamberlin did, try to apease the dictator,bully.
no i think not.

its been 1o yrs of saddam tweaking our noses, and secretly,building weapons, trying to attain the nukes.
god just think what would have happened if hitler had delayed for 10 yrs and developed the nuke.

no the time is here to face him, but as i said the cost may be high.

but to go on doing nothing would in my opinion be criminal.

its ok for us to yell peace, peace, but that is exactly what saddam and men like him want, it leaves him free to boot you in the face.
will it take a nuke in new york, or sydney, or london to wake the world. or a germ weapon, that will leave hundreds of thousands dead.
i hope not . i may be befuddled and confused sometimes by my painkillers, but even i can see this truth. i just dont like it.

The fact is, we are facing a war. None of us like that fact, and each of us has different ideas about how to handle the situation to best avoid it if at all possible.

I'm afraid this time the war won't be so one sided. More than the few who died on our side in desert storm will likely die if it comes to war now. And the cost of post war peace will likely be higher.

( Anyway, please try to give the other guy his say without taking offense and acknowledge he and you probably aren't that far apart. And that the politicians are probably hiding the real facts from all of us for fear that if we knew the truth we'd shoot them first. )

Slow down a bit and think. Ammo supply is pretty critical. ( Hmm, may have just come up with the real reason for banning bayonets on assault rifles. ) Rope, however is readily reusable.

As to the protestors on tv, does anyone have a tried and tested load for 12 ga. 2&3/4" rock salt loads? Just wait til they show their arses, then fire until the problem is resolved.

I'm being especially faceistious today. Too little sleep last night.
My purpose in starting this thread was to bring attention to the damage the protestors and other nay sayers do to this country. Before anyone jumps on that statement, let me say I also firmly believe in their right to state their opinion. It just saddens me to see them used as pawns in the game our enemies are playing. To demoralize and weaken the resolve of the people is in the best interests of the Saddams' and Osamas' of the world.

Fonda has a right to her opinion as I do mine. But by her subversive actions she directly or indirectly caused the death of many Americans. The enemy was encouraged and the war drug on. The defining difference was her actions. She was in her 30's. She knew what she was doing. And she should pay for those actions.

When Saddam/Osama sees the protestors on TV, they must think they are winning world opinion. They must be encouraged. Their subterfuge is working. They buy more time until their weapons are ready and their plans are in place.

3000 people died in New York yet the path we must take is still not clear to some. When the next "event" occurs (and it will) and 100,000 die, perhaps clarity will be the result.

OK, I know, I'm ranting again.
yes semper fi ytou are righton there. the saddam regime is loving every bit of it and all it does is give him false hope that the allies will not deal with him. they should be ashamed,instead they should be protesting for saddam to disarm.
but you watch when it comes to it saddam will try to make a desparate attempt to save the day by declaring his country has those weapons, and will immediatly begin to disarm.
and the peacenics will jump at the chance deluded ,fooled to the end.i will be disgusted if that happens, because it will evert the situation of imminent war, but saddam will be back to his tricks while laughing behind our backs.
the time for talk is long past,the time for the worlds allied forces to deal out justice. is long overdue. the line has been drawn in the sand.let not the annals of history look back and see the allies lacking the wisdom,courage, and fortitude to jump across that line
and deal once and for all with this menace.before its to late. well i think i have said all i have to say on this subject, all thats left is praise the lord and pass the ammunition.:confused:
Interesting stuff. It can be very difficult at times to defend one's right to say stuff that you want to bust them in the mouth for saying.
My purpose in starting this thread was to bring attention to the damage the protestors and other nay sayers do to this country. Before anyone jumps on that statement, let me say I also firmly believe in their right to state their opinion.

They can say what ever they want to; that is their right, as it is my right to ignore them. Now if they actually move to the next step and start (as they are currently starting to do) practicing terrorism by blocking roadways, ports, power plants, etc. We should just arrest them and prosecute them for treason.

Originally posted by Bill Martino
Interesting stuff. It can be very difficult at times to defend one's right to say stuff that you want to bust them in the mouth for saying.

I defend the right of another to say things that offend my values. I also know there are legal forms of protest that, if displayed in my presence, will provoke a physical response from me.

Just as a protestor should be willing to be jailed for civil disobedience, if I clobber someone for burning a flag in my presence I'm willing to accept the legal consequences of my actions without whining or sniveling.

There's nothing wrong with protest when there's accountability involved. That's how I define civil disobedience, and it involves courage. What I get fed up with is the element that uses a demonstration as a guise for raising hell and smashing and burning things, and then gets indignant when society restores order by using necessary force.

And what the hell is up with these people who show up to a protest wearing ski masks? [/RANT]
Thirty years ago we put harmless gardener snakes in a can and threw them on the protestors. It was terriffic. I never laughed so hard. I only spent one day in jail for that one.:D
