Progress Thread - The Redmeadow Bowies

Exact?:eek: I'll get one of them measurin stick thingys on them when I get a chance. But here's the rough numbers. I'll get some more pictures up. I been running around with one on each hip and I feel like I'm in a John Ford western:D

7" Tip to guard
12" Overall
.17" 52100
Poon tang
Excellent job on both knives, sheaths came out very nice as well. I think I might like the stacked leather a bit better than ivory handled one, but that's just me though.
Scott has very good taste.
Those pictures turned out great! You must be a part time photographer. Looking forward to your next wip.
Thanks Chance, broke out the fancy camera, it's got all these button thingys, and all kinds of doo-dad thingamabobs on it. Oh, and a setting called "Auto":D:thumbsup:
I hope you're as thrilled by these as I am. They turned out far beyond anything I had imagined. I have quite an imagination, too.
You really went above and beyond.
BTW, you need to do better with the next ones (insert evil laugh). Good luck.
Smoove as a baby's butt; I like eet!

Does Mack get a cowbell too? He needs more cowbell... :D
Operation MackenRupe? That sounds a bit like something going down at the fish market...
Ha, it's Mack's and Rupes fault for the little Cowbells. I joked when we made the plan and said Operation MackenRupe is in effect.
Dayum! Those be beyond Sa-weet! Operation MackenRupe. That's funny, he he he he...:p