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Proposed drawings of -1- H.I.'Hawk & Southwestern Bowie.

<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Stephen Hamilton:
Brian I followed the link you placed to the RMJ Forge, this is the same smith who made my pattern-welded blade and the knives from a Harley chain that I wrote about some weeks back. He lives not far from here.</font>

Thanks for making that connection, Stephen. I've heard nothing but good things about Ryan's work & your Harley chain story is one more endorsement. I have a Hawk on order from him & can't wait 'til I get my hands on it.


He who finishes with the most toys wins.
Jon there won't be any problems if the 'hawk happens to be used for self defense or other combat situation. Most people's imaginaton protects their minds from just how bloody and nasty things can get when body parts go missing or hanging by a thread or worse.
It's after the conflict is over and when you have time to stop and think about things that the reality soaks in. There's more, but this isn't the place to talk about such things even though these roles can be and are enacted by the peacekeepers in times of need. It's not something that the peacekeepers are proud of or like, just part of the role.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
Thanks Yvsa, it was just a "design curiosity (on my part)" question. I had just been going over what fishing supplies I would have to re-order (cabin fever) for spring, and had been looking at pictures of fish hooks (with barbs).

Absolutely love Scagel type handles. Somewhere, sometime in an unchecked moment I may have even suggested to Bill a Scagel handled Khukuri project. In the Northwest the equivalent was the three-piece Morseth handle. Q: What is the RMJ link?
PS: Anybody hungry? Just saw a nice 'possum heading down the alley.
No, thanks, Leo. My dad used to eat possum but I couldn't handle it. Looked too much like a dog when he took it out of the oven and I can't handle eating dog, either, even though my old Sioux pal, George Horse Looking, used to say I was missing the best meal of my life when I'd turn down his dog stew.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Archives (33,000 + posts)
Bro it is very good luck when you get the puppy's head.

And even better luck if the Medicine Man reaches into the boiling pot with his bare hand and arm and hands it to you.
And you will Not find a burn on him!!
I know the "trick" but since I'm not of the Sioux I ain't gonna try it.

Besides the Cherokee always prefered venison over dog.

But on the other hand you have to wonder about a people that ate Yellow Jacket stew.LMRRAO.
I have the recipe somewhere's around here just in case.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by leo2:
Q: What is the RMJ link?</font>

It's on page one of this thread & describes how a consistent "eye" is made in the Hawks' heads.


He who finishes with the most toys wins.
Thanks for getting us off the food slant, Brian!

Bro, if old George Horse Looking had given me the stew and told me it was buffalo I'd have probably loved it -- psychological barrier. I didn't do any good at the snake restaurants of Hong Kong, either, but the food looked great and I got hungry just watching others eating.

Blessings from the computer shack in Reno.

Uncle Bill
Himalayan Imports Website
Khukuri FAQ
Himalayan Imports Archives (33,000 + posts)
Insyaa-Allaah! I guess I might need 1 HI Yvsa's Hawk --- Pakcik Bill ...
? I used to see Hawk in old western movies!

Pakcik Bill, Bro Yvsa, ... and Fellow Forumites.

Alhamdu-li-(A)llaah! I guess Bro Yvsa’s Southwestern Bowie Prototype #1 design is very close to Bowie in thread Sacrifice: Turbo Rare Al Pendray "Wootz" (REAL) Damascus Bowie.

I like your taste Bro Yvsa ...
! Whew ...
! Insyaa-Allaah! I guess I have to clear my Card a.s.a.p. so that I can make a new order on a straight blade ...


[This message has been edited by mohd (edited 02-23-2001).]
Thanks Bro Mohd!!!!

That is one purty blade!!!!
And Wootz to boot!!!!
I fell in love with those damascus blades when I saw the movie "The Black Rose" for the 1st time.
Thanks for the link.

And you don't need to be in a real big hurry to get your card cleared. It will take a while to get the models done and especially if I have a couple of false starts where the model gets messed up.


Indin word for lousy hunter.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 02-23-2001).]