Regrettably loaned my PM2 to a coworker!!!

Just sharpen and beat the hell out of it. That's what it's made for
Close friends are gifted knives (traditionals with carbon steel blades and the secondary blade modded to a cap lifter is often the first knife, to see how they handle and care for them).
Anyone I have not personally gifted a knife to, isn't trusted with any of my other knives.
That's a sad story my friend. Similar thing happened to me but it was with a much cheaper KAI gentlemen's folder. I was in NYC when I noticed that a tourist and his wife were driving along dragging something loudly underneath their rental car. The guy eventually stopped and was trying to pull the object out (unsuccessfully). It was at that point that I offered him my knife... That was a big mistake because when I finally got it the edge was totally chipped up. I think he basically just blindly hacked at whatever it was making the noise until it was free. Lesson learned!
As i have posted elsewhere,I work on the basis that if someone does not carry a knife then they probably do not know how to use one. I also learned the hard way by lending my Buck 110 to a workmate , who after using it then re-sharpened it on an electric grind stone.