Show us your Blade pics!

Glad you enjoyed the pics guys, I'll try to take a few more today.

Is Andy selling well?


He seemed to be when I left.

Mistwalker, which table were you referring to if you don't mind me asking? (that was sold out by 1:30)

Rick Marchand

Both Andy's table and Dylan's table would be my first stop if I could be year.

I'm saving up for Blade already...but if either of these two Bushfingers at the right side make it back from the show, I'm gonna be on it like there ain't no tomorrow!

Stole and reposted your pic, Mist, hope you don't mind! :)

Both of those got some close looks yesterday, not sure if they are still around or not.

I don't mind at all man, this is the one that caught my attention.

Awesome pics. I need to go with a big old wad of cash sometime...

Me wantee bushfinger!
These photos broke me down. I began the proxy hunt for a Bushfinger score!
No way, man - if you see any Bushfingers for sale, you just send me the link. I'll handle it, and tell you how it was when it's over. ;)
It's really amazing to think about the intense amount of work that went into prepping that many knives for the show. Hope its pays off well. Beautiful, beautiful work.
Ok, here are a few pics from early this morning.


There are still a few Bushfingers left at this point...but there was still ten hours of show to go plus a few hours tomorrow. I watched one being bought by Ethan Becker right before I snapped these pics.


Then here is Rick checking out one of Andy's knives.



In a display of wisdom greater than I would have expected from Dylan, you can see who is working the Fletcher Knives booth, the lovely Mrs. Fletcher.


Mist, thanks again buddy for the pics this late. If Dylan ever makes it back up here to see his in-law's, we worked out a deal for 3 of his knives for some Skyline 4-way's & coneys . . . . :)
Looks like Andy's wares are thinning out from those shots yesterday. Hope both he & Dylan had good sales on their knives.
Thanks again for the shots.
Be safe.
Thanks for the pix- proxy where are you??!! ;) :)

Me want BF!!
Good sales so far guys. Thanks for the kind words. Had a good dinner at Fogos last evening too. Still lots to sell. Hopefully today is brisk as well. I'll post the leftovers for y'all on Monday.
Yep, both Dylan's and Andy's tables are much more spread out - that's great! Were those leather machete sheaths by Andy? Looks like some cool stuff. Can't wait for the after-show, show Monday, but I hope you sell out today!!
Good sales so far guys. Thanks for the kind words. Had a good dinner at Fogos last evening too. Still lots to sell. Hopefully today is brisk as well. I'll post the leftovers for y'all on Monday.

cough cough! save me one! cough cough!
Who is that guy next to Andy in the picture with the grey shirt? Oh that is me,Andy had to chase me away so he could sell some knives.I was lucky enough to pick up the only woodsman with green micarta.Thanks Andy.
I'm loving the Blade pics thanks for posting them. Almost feel like I went!
I know no one went to blade to take pics of bars of steel, but if you happen by Aldo's table I heard he has something kinda cool displayed.
sadly no pics from BLADE..i didnt even think to break out the camera...i was so excited to finally get one of andy's knives..i ALMOST forgot to pay..
already made it to its home ..the cutting board

hanks chainring
this is a slicing machine..
few elk & black bean tacos tonight..


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Dang Vance you are quick, what you picked that up at a lil after 12 and was cooking tacos with it by 530 or so! I was really wanting that one but I " settled" for the Gentlemans Steak knife that I cant believe that me nor Andy remembered to take to FOGO's. Let me tell you what that place is flat out INSANE, if you have never eaten there you need to at least once, its craziness.
Dang Vance you are quick, what you picked that up at a lil after 12 and was cooking tacos with it by 530 or so! I was really wanting that one but I " settled" for the Gentlemans Steak knife that I cant believe that me nor Andy remembered to take to FOGO's. Let me tell you what that place is flat out INSANE, if you have never eaten there you need to at least once, its craziness.

RR, are you the fella that was helping andy today & wanted this blade?...sorry im new around here
if so ...sorry but im keepin it :)