Small fixed blades

Jun 29, 2002
I'm looking for a small, EDC fixed blade. I have carried my Buck/Strider Solution and Cold Steel Recon Tanto, but I think it scares too many people! :eek:

I just got a Benchmade Nimravus Cub, and its right up my alley. It's not too big, not too small, and it is compact enough to carry all the time. Now all I need is a IWB sheath from On/Scene Tactical and I'll be golden. :cool:

Any other suggestions for a small fixed blade? Four inches is probably the biggest that I could go.
The Field Pup is alright, but I wish they used different materials. I don't care much for AUS-8 and Kraton. Plus, it is pushing the size limit...
The Cub is an awesome knife!!! I have one in 440C and I love it. The BT one just didn't do it for me and I hate the sheepsfoot on the R&R.
It’s OK with the factory sheath...
Originally posted by im2smrt4u
Interesting...nice little customs for a low price...

Yeah I got the thrid one down. Its VERY NICE, And the leather sheath holds the knife perfect!!
I can't think of a better knife than my Fallkniven F1. I would consider it to be a small fixed blade. I've taken it hunting(hence skinning), backpacking and numerous other activities and I still can't get over how well it keeps an edge and in my opinion with the tang all the way through the handle material and its thikness I think its pretty versatile as well. Just my .2c's worth.

edit: I personally like the factory kydex sheath that it came with for my purposes. Just another plus
I've been carrying Dozier's small utitlty every day now. It fits just right and it's length doesn't poke out from under a tee shirt when worn on the belt.

The blade is a nice useful shape and it handles real well. I went and bored finger depressions in mine to assist manipulation. This has also added to it's grip, but it was not really needed in this regard. The former grip was just fine.
You can find the NY Special on the A.G. Russell web site. I believe it is only made for him.

My wife ordered a Dozier K1 General Utility for my Christmas present. I plan on making it my EDC, replacing my Microtech SOCOM Elite. Not expected to be here until Feb, however.
Originally posted by JohnnyO
You can find the NY Special on the A.G. Russell web site. I believe it is only made for him.

Ah...interesting. I found it, but it only appears to come with the shoulder harness.
Gotta go in a different direction and say Simonich Mid-Tech Crowfoot! It is the handiest small fixed blade there is at a decent price. Custom quality, S30V, super sheath! Can't beat it IMHO!:D