Sorry folks, I ended up doing it wrong. Again!

Yup, most every forum has a Cousin Ben or an Aunt Myrtle locked up in the attic. The problem with the HI forum is that every now and then you take up the food and end up finding yourself locked in!
munk said:
You might as well ask him who really killed Vince Foster.

I don't care who did that. I want to know how they killed Bill Casey, or did he do it himself, good CIA OSS guy he was. ;)
Hollow- was Casey the Guy who died of a strange brain malady shortly after leaving the CIA?

hollowdweller said:
I want to know how they killed Bill Casey, or did he do it himself, good CIA OSS guy he was. ;)

Poor guy... I liked Fat Albert and the Casey show in the 80's. Didn't know he was with the CIA though.
:rolleyes: :D
Probably the same crew that got Hoffa and Kennedy...
Elvis is NOT dead, he's running a quik-mart and trailer park in the Florida Panhandle. He used to sponsor a horse-shoe throwing competition, but the volunteer fire department guys got out of hand two years ago, and it got to be too much trouble.

He's doing well, very glad to be out of the lime-light; enjoying friends, a few beers, and tall tales of dogs, hunting, and "Ole Nestor," a supposed crazy man running the woods for decades, who lives off the land, and foodstuffs he can take in the night. Every year, around this time, a bunch of the ole boys put out twinkies, pumpkin pie, and foil-wrapped turkey with dressing for Ole Nestor, and wish him a happy thanksgiving, and one more year of life with joy, memories, and the knowledge that he made many peoples' lives MUCH more interesting.

Don't get much better: a few good friends, a few good stories, and a lot of good memories.
I heard that they stopped using the foil, because it interfered with Nestor's microwave. May have misread the article, though.
I have been gone from the forum for awhile. So Spiraltwista and Kraken have been banned, eh?

Some how that does not surprize me. How many times does this make now?
I was getting worried Brother...glad to see you back!

To answer your question - too many times.
Once ( and permanently for Spiraltwista ), twice for Kraken ( aka Kendo - permanently for him too ). I even let Burafan back in for a while til he started returning to his old habits. Now he's gone permanently too!

Notice how quiet, friendly and peaceful it's been the last few days? Folks getting giddy and goofy without worry over someone ripping things out of context? There's a sense of harmony returning.
A sense of goodness as Thanksgiving Day approaches.
I feel it too.

Now I'm going to write Josh Feldman and tell him to come home.


I think Ben has hit his stride. He seems happier and kinder, and I enjoy his writing today.

More than ever, I know this place was founded upon peace.

munk said:
...I know this place was founded upon peace...
We were drinking Hieneken's and looking at some polaroids and typed pages that Bill would send out to people who answered ads in knife magazines. Bill asked. "Do you think if I got a computer and The Internet it would help the knife business? I told him I thought it probably would. I doubted that many people would be interested in these strange knives, but at least he would get a much larger exposure at a cheaper price than what he was paying for the magazine ads. And, maybe Ang could sell some of those Nepali purses.

"I'll put it in there" he said, pointing to an aluminum storage shed about 4 feet by 6 feet containing some boxes and a small bunk. Bill said his father-in-law fit in it just fine. It served as the guest room when he came to visit from Nepal.

Just then, Ang and Marsha came out of the trailer on their way to do some Thrift Store shopping. Bill asked them to first go over to the market and bring us back some more Hieneken's.

We never got back to talking about computers as Bill started telling me about one of his customers, a Highway Patrolman, who used the knife to chop off automobile doors during rescue operations. He told me some other stories like that and showed me a spear and other weapons that people had sent him. And he said that he sold most of his knives to repeat customers. I found that pretty strange. Who would buy more one of those things? Maybe I would find out if he ever got on line.

A couple of months later, he called and said, "This guy I know built me a web page. I've got a forum too. Take a look."

So I did. Did I ever figure out why someone would buy more than one Khukuri? Not really, but I'm beginning to get it.
That little tin garden shed? It's only about 160 degrees in there in the summer. You could jerk meat in there fast. Put a couple more years on the Father in Law in 24 hours.

And where would the black widows sleep? (though I didn't see any)

Ben, when I first got here Yvsa and I exchanged a few emails. He said, "I hope you're not looking for ONE khukuri that does it all and fits you perfect."

Well, I was.
But not for long.
