SpecWar...the knife for CQC!

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right! you go on there bad boy. Still none of you have had eh balls to ask legitimate questions that might validate my claims. Ok I shall leave this thread as is now, never to come back to this thread again. I am serious this time. The BS has gone on too long.
silenthunterstudios said:
Is this the right place for the popcorn?

only if yuo like salt on it. If you like other things on your pop corn you have to go over to another thread
DazedandConfzed said:
MOS#1371 Combat Engineer! Anything else?
Combat Engineer you say? Really.......me too. Just for funs sake here are a few trivia questions:
1. What do the Engineer colors represent?
2. What is the burn rate for detcord?
3. Using trees to construct a road block is called?
4. What is a Volcano?
5. While on patrol, you find yourself in the middle of a minefield....how long do you have to get out of it?

These are all fairly simple questions. I would love to hear of your CE training...perhaps we could share notes. ;)
Dazed & Confused really lives up to his name. I loved your Air Force comment on a previous page. I would wager a month worth of pay that you wouldn't last an hour in my world. I eat fakes like you for breakfast little man. Anytime anywhere. Also, I checked into your little fake weapons training. If you ever do what you talked about to your weapon you would recieve an Article-15 UCMJ faster than you could spell your name. I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because as I said on one of the first pages, I don't know everything, but after talking to my Combat Arms instructers I can tell you. YOU ARE FULL OF BULL$H1t!!!!! No go find yourself another Richard Marchenko book and pretend you have a clue. Oh and by the way

DazedandConfzed said:
^^^I don't think he has rooted out Jack. Just because I suposedly mispelled a name incorrectly doesn't mean jack. That is like me saying that you do not own a Nissan 350Zbecause you spelled Nissan as Nisan instead of the correct spelling Nissan. Just because I spelled it incorrectly does not mean anything. Hell, there are people in my hometown that still don't spell the name of our city correctly and these are people that have been living there most of their lives. Why don't you try asking some legitimate questions to prove this crap, instead of playing spelling games. I would like to know how this proves jack. Someone please elaborate.
I see nothing wrong with you spelling Parris Island incorrectly.
As you point out, there are 271,000 results returned in a query for "perris island".
That shows me not much, other than a plethora of others cannot spell.
You argued you were right in the spelling, then that there were two spellings, then that maybe you got it wrong.
You took the stand you were right and were not going to be told you were wrong, so you went on the offense.
Smooth move...
Ignorance is the normal human condition. Learning the truth is the cure.
You wanted a bit of elaboration... ;)
I would like to know the answer to Marty's questions, as well as SS's code commands, I'm not a combat engineer, nor have I ever served. I probably should have.

I could ask some questions like:

What does "pulling butts" mean?
What does "Maggie's drawers" mean?
What does "boots and utes" mean?
What do you call your BDU headgear?
Why are USMC NCOs allowed to carry a saber?
What did you say everynight before lights out during Boot Camp?
What does "deck" refer to?
Explain exactly what you would be wearing in MOPP2 (I might be showing my age on this one because it might be different these days).
What does "class 6 store" mean?

Yep, I could ask questions like that, but it would not accomplish anything.
It would not matter because with just a little searching or talking to a REAL MARINE you would learn the answers.

I know the answers to all of those questions and I was never a Marine.
However, both of my brothers did twenty years each in the USMC, and I personally spent six years in the US Army.

No, there are no specific questions that will reveal if you really served--but those of us who did serve can always smell a fake.

I have always tried my best to not make personal attacks here on the forums--until now.

You're a fake!
You've never served in the Marines and you've never been to PARRIS ISLAND, SC!
You show no respect for those who have served by trying to claim their honor!
I would be more than happy to meet you at Parris Island on any day you like so that we can discuss this further!

A couple of things....the original poster stated that some military people grind down the grips of their firearms to have the same profile as their knife???

I would doubt that there is a following of this. It simply doesn't make any sense at all. Maybe someone thought it would be cool to do...but I don't think it is an approved method for Uncle Sam's children.

Secondly....I have never owned the cq-7. I am left handed and because of the grind, it doesn't appeal to me. I also think that it too "chunky" for my liking. It is touted as one of the best knives out there, but I would rather carry something a little sleeker.

Thirdly...I am no expert, but it seems to me that if you are carrying a knife called CQC and use it in a fight, you may have troubles defending yourself in court simply for the name of the knife. Close Quarters Combat....The attorneys for your opponent will have a hay day with it.

If you are in the military and carry it in battle, that is a little different in my mind.

I am sure that I will be corrected, and I look forward to it because I am always willing to learn more about one of the greatest tools ever invented.

allenC said:
Explain exactly what you would be wearing in MOPP2 (I might be showing my age on this one because it might be different these days).

No, there are no specific questions that will reveal if you really served--but those of us who did serve can always smell a fake.
Hey you can't be that old. LOL It is the same. We just did away with MOPP1 and no one ever uses MOPP3. We did however add MOPP0. I have a better question for this fake. What is split MOPP? Allen, I wanna see if this jerkoff knows before I tell everyone else. There is one way I can find out. I have friends that work on the Deers system on my base. All I need is his real name and date of birth and I can tell you everything about his carreer at PERRIS ISLAND. :barf:

Oh and one more thing that came to mind. If you are using a folder for combat. I mean real combat, not utility in a combat environment, you are a total jackoff. Who the hell does that? I am creeping on 11 years, and have never seen a guy do that. Why use a sub 4" folder blade as opposed to a full size fixed blade? I can tell you that there is a very small percent of CQB situations end in some kind of knife fight. I have never been in one. None of my friends have ever been in one, and I have never talked to anyone who has
ever been in one. I am in a combat MOS for the USAF 3PO71, and was on the Iraqi border with other Combat Marines from Force Recon for most of 2003. They were bad MoFo's and not a one talked about stuff this guy is saying.
I'd like to know the answers to all those questions too. If our serious operator friend doesn't return to tell us I hope you guys provide the answers. I'm curious as hell about some of them.
:rolleyes: That about sums this up.
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