Stag Saturday - Let's See Some Traditional Stag!

Popcorn, anyone?


Thanks Alan. The blade on the new 78s reminded me of the 85's so I got it out today. Forgot how much I liked it. It has Case-like stag, not especially dramatic but with a secure yet smooth feel to it. BTW great pic of the stag and elk today, well done!
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Thanks, I had to tea dye it though because it looked like bleached bone before!:eek: Not much texture on it but it has this great big 'hump' if you look at it from backspring down, makes for a comfortable grip mind as I think most CASE Copperlocks have slabs that are too thin. This is very practical and useful, tough old workhorse!
The 301 at top was likely a redo at the old Buck Custom shop in CA. The 309 and 305 were in the 80's. Buck just made it known they are dropping the 309 and 305 models and 'looking' at the other 300 versions. 300 Bucks


Favorite 301, like the hint of green.

Different 301, elk horn almost looks oiled but may just be that way.
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CASE Mini Copperlock. Sees a lot of use, no blade play or issues here but the stag is not the most attractive....


My stag mini copperlock is similar in texture Will. It's actually one if the things I like about stag. Each knife is almost one of a kind.