Survive! knives

Ok guys, anyone else wanna get it out of their system? :P

I'll check my GSO-10 and compare. If it's that different, I will post pics.
I'm glad you pointed out the laser marks on the spine and blade perimeter. With the intention of these being a hard use cutting tool and not a high end safe queen, I do not touch up the edges before tumbling. Even on that Rodent 9, I feel you would find much the same laser or waterjet marks on the spine, if you were to take some airplane stripper to that thick, textured powdercoating. Personally, I love the raw "tool" look of the marks and feel they compliment the overall rugged look of my knives. Their ruggedness is their beauty. Aside from that though, I deliberately leave them this way for handle tolerancing. Without going uber high end, with precision milling fixtures, I can't reliably remove an even .001"-.002" off the perimeter of every blade. I wanted to ensure if a person wanted an additional handle set or something down the road, they would bolt right on without fine tuning and sanding.

I reviewed the GSO-10 (1st run), -4.1, & -5.1 when I first received them, commented on the marks and received the quoted reply from Guy. I'd've been VERY surprised if your knife did NOT have marks.
Thanks Chiral, all those things are true about the marks. They are from the laser cutting and the severity just depends on the cutting that day. Variances occur due to the laser focus or speed, or even from the surface of the steel. Any bump will distort the laser as it is cutting.

Normally we leave them be, but if the chatter is really bad or there is an obvious "jump" of the laser we have been hand grinding the spines to clean them up. It is a very delicate, time consuming task which requires a bit of skill (as I'm learning). If we did it on every blade we would have to raise prices, which is the last thing we want to do. But you may see a few more things coming out "cleaned up" now that Guy has taught me how to do that. Before then he just didn't have enough hours in a day for us to even consider it as an option.
If I'm reading this statement correctly, it sounds like you received premium handles, counted what you needed for orders, then put the remainder up for sale. If this isn't correct, disregard what follows.

I'm not telling Guy how to run his business, but this is one example of a place I would suggest you pump your brakes. I realize that the extra handles represent revenue, but instead of just counting up all the handles and then immediately start to sell off the extras, try filling and shipping all the preexisting orders first. I would then double check, and triple check, that nobody has been left behind somehow, and then put the extras up for sale. Example, there have been a few lost orders surface in this thread simply by people seeing pictures of shipped knives and wondering where theirs is. It's only later, that they find out there was a server error and the order wasn't received, and the hoop jumping starts. Crap happens, we all get that.

It's the little details that S!K is going to have to get squared away to minimize some of the order fulfillment issues that plague you.

Just a suggestion from a happy S!K customer, and multiple small business owner.

You read it right but I do want to assure you that we aren't just selling every last item as soon as it arrives. We purposely order well beyond what is needed for the preorders and we don't list ALL of the remaining handles right away. There is always a bit of wiggle room, which is why we have the "Leftovers" section of the website. Once everything is shipped and some time has passed we will list our buffer, the absolute lasts, over there.

I've honestly been wracking my brain over this post because I can't think of any time when we lost an order that we weren't able to fill once it was discovered. Our old website did have a mind of it's own sometimes and was not very user friendly for us, but since this new website has been in place I can't think of any orders that have been lost. I suppose only time will tell. The biggest thing slowing us down right now is the fact that sharpening the knives takes time and skill. So if anyone figures out cloning... :)

I know we've tripped up on a few things along the way, but we are always learning.
My GSO 10 details. Maybe someone was having some fun with my blade on the wheels at SK HQ (Thanks whoever it was). Very clean, but I do like the etching on my other SK's, especially the necker.



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TOPS Bushcraft Hunter if you can't get an ESSE

what does this have to do with ESEE or TOPS? There is nothing wrong with them but this thread is about Survive Knives the company not survival knives. And I would think that cpm 3v and what ever other steels they use would work just fine for survival.
I suspect the comment may have been meant for another thread. I've done that accidently while having several tabs open in my Web browser.
I suspect the comment may have been based on a very quick reading of the title of this thread.
May have just been tossing in their ¢2 for a "Survival Knife" in general.
Comparison pic-don't know how to add a pic from my phone. Seems things have changed.
Got my factory second 4.1. I can't tell the difference between the first and the second. I could normally spot something that would make it a second. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this blade. Not even a little scratch. Black is a first, green is a second. Guy's quality control standards are amazing.

Whats the deal with the bow drill divot? Are they now a brass insert or something other than drilling out the micarta?
Whats the deal with the bow drill divot? Are they now a brass insert or something other than drilling out the micarta?
It is an alternative option they have available. You can still get it drilled out of you handle material as well.
All the Survive knives have those lines. They were left on the spine to remind the user that the knives are meant to be worked.
The Black and Red looks pretty good. Nice score!

You are correct in saying that all S!K have the lines, but if I remember correctly, the lines were left to avoid the additional production cost of removing them, subsequently keeping the retail price lower. I think Guy addressed it in one of his videos, making reference to his knives being intended for use, and since the lines don't alter functionality, he chose to leave them.

Rasco, looks great. Enjoy
You read it right but I do want to assure you that we aren't just selling every last item as soon as it arrives. We purposely order well beyond what is needed for the preorders and we don't list ALL of the remaining handles right away. There is always a bit of wiggle room, which is why we have the "Leftovers" section of the website. Once everything is shipped and some time has passed we will list our buffer, the absolute lasts, over there.

I've honestly been wracking my brain over this post because I can't think of any time when we lost an order that we weren't able to fill once it was discovered. Our old website did have a mind of it's own sometimes and was not very user friendly for us, but since this new website has been in place I can't think of any orders that have been lost. I suppose only time will tell. The biggest thing slowing us down right now is the fact that sharpening the knives takes time and skill. So if anyone figures out cloning... :)

I know we've tripped up on a few things along the way, but we are always learning.

Glad to hear things are smoothing out for you, I know you guys are working extremely hard, and we appreciate it. Guy can certainly produce a scary sharp edge, so I agree, cloning is the best option. :D
Is there a full convex model? Will there be a full convex model?

There were some convex SURVIVE! Knives very early on, when Guy was still figuring out how to actually produce knives. He had always intended on using saber grinds, they just weren't working out as expected initially. Now that we have a set standard for production there will not be any convex options.