The “Can’t leave anything alone” Thread

Tried to hand rub this Mordax. I think it went okay.



De-orange peel then blast and stonewash on a Spyderco Advocate for @Mako109 :cool:

View attachment 1545713 View attachment 1545714

Dang man, that stonewash turned out real nice! I bet that orange peel was fun to remove, lol. When I was new here, I picked up a Factor Equipment Iconic Titanium Compact before I was aware that the design was stolen from the GiantMouse GM1 (booo).

Rather than throw it away, I figured it would be a good platform to try some mods with no worries of messing it up. Just removing the stupid, etched "F" off of the scales was a major pain in the butt!




Dang man, that stonewash turned out real nice! I bet that orange peel was fun to remove, lol. When I was new here, I picked up a Factor Equipment Iconic Titanium Compact before I was aware that the design was stolen from the GiantMouse GM1 (booo).

Rather than throw it away, I figured it would be a good platform to try some mods with no worries of messing it up. Just removing the stupid, etched "F" off of the scales was a major pain in the butt!




Thanks!:D Yeah, titanium is pretty dang abrasion resistant :mad:
Work in Progress on the DLT 4Max Scout. Bye bye billboard ;). I still have to do the other side, but it's time for supper so that'll be a project for tomorrow. The plan is to give it a stonewash to knock down the shine on the black finish as well, but that will have to wait until the wifey is not home because I'm still using a container to do that poor man's style shaking it by hand.


While WValtakis WValtakis (Chip) works on the scales. I pulled out the scratched up pivot of my 0095 and sanded out as many scratches and dings as I could and buffed it to a 600 grit finish. A quick shout out to @Mako109 for the technique. Can’t do much for the faded black oxide, but I am happy with it and it looks much better now.

Those are gonna pop nicely on the blasted background, and the faded black oxide will help tie the blackwash blade in:cool::thumbsup: