The Official 2000 BladeForums.Com Knives of the year awards!

Oct 2, 1998
OK Folks it is that time again to nominate your selections for the best knives and accessories of the year 2000.

So select your nominations from the categories below. We will then set up a survey and you will be able to vote on the knives of the year. We will trim the nominations to fit the survey based on over popularity of the nomination and other factors.
The only rules are that the knives must have been released or debuted during the last twelve months for categories pertaining to knives. Knives that debuted last year but actually hit the streets this year are acceptable. Do not select knives that are not out yet. Save them for next year

To make your nominations copy and paste the category and then type your selection. You do not have to make a choice from every category, only the ones you are familiar with and want to nominate. If I have missed an important category, let me know.

Hand Made knives
  • Best Hand Made Fixed Blade
  • Best Hand Made Folder
  • Best Hand Made Auto
  • Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade
  • Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade
  • Best Buy: Hand Made Folder
  • Best Buy: Hand Made Auto
  • Best Custom Maker
  • Best Custom Folder Maker
  • Best Custom "Art" Knife

Production (Factory) Knives
  • Best Production Fixed Blade
  • Best Production Folder
  • Best Production Auto
  • Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade
  • Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade
  • Most Innovative Production Folder
  • Most Innovative Automatic Knife
  • Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade
  • Best Buy: Production Folder
  • Best Buy: Production Auto
  • Best QC (Quality Control)
  • Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year
  • Best Multitool
  • Best Kitchen Knives
  • Best Sheath System: After Market
  • Best Sheath System: OEM
  • Best Knife Accessory

  • Special: Member of the Year
  • Special: Moderator of the Year
  • Special: Best Overall Thread
  • Special: Most Humerous Thread

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!
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[This message has been edited by Mike Turber (edited 12-23-2000).]
Best Production Folder: William Henry Evolution (Global 7)

Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year: William Henry Fine Knives Special: Moderator of the Year:
James Mattis (In memoriam)

There are plenty of fine knives out there. I can only vote on those which I have owned and/or used.

Hand Made knives

Best Hand Made Fixed Blade - OGG Aardvark fighter.
Best Hand Made Folder
Best Hand Made Auto
Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade - OGG small wharncliffe.
Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade - Bennett (Forum name 'Kaos') Hunter. (Dont own, but got to examine closely)
Best Buy: Hand Made Folder
Best Buy: Hand Made Auto
Best Custom Maker - MaxTheKnife...his willingness and ability to try different styles, and work at them until they are just right.
Best Custom Folder Maker
Best Custom "Art" Knife - Gotta be anything from Tim Herman. (Havent even seen one in person. But with his reputation, and seeing photos, I think its safe to name him)

Production (Factory) Knives

Best Production Fixed Blade
Best Production Folder - Spyderco Starmate.
Best Production Auto
Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade - CRKT KISS series.
Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade
Most Innovative Production Folder
Most Innovative Automatic Knife
Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade - Cold Steel SRK.
Best Buy: Production Folder - Spyderco Endura.
Best Buy: Production Auto
Best QC (Quality Control)
Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year
Best Multitool -
Best Kitchen Knives
Best Sheath System: After Market
Best Sheath System: OEM
Best Knife Accessory - DMT diamiond pocket stone.

BladeForums Special: Member of the Year Special: Moderator of the Year - Gus Kalanzis (customs forum) Special: Best Overall Thread Special: Most Humerous Thread

Richard Todd - Digital knife photography
icq 61363141
My WebSite
Do your site a favor, get quality digital images!!!
New photos added!!!
BF member of the year-James Mattis

Although it does not mindfully keep guard in the small mountain fields, the scarecrow does not stand in vain
Production (Factory) Knives

Best Production Folder - Microtech LCC Manual

Best Production Auto - Microtech LCC Dual Action

Most Innovative Automatic Knife - Microtech LCC Dual Action (gotta love the bolster release!)

Best Buy: Production Folder- Microtech LCC Manual

Best Buy: Production Auto- Microtech LCC Dual Action

How about a category for best production/custom collaboration?


[This message has been edited by Art M (edited 12-23-2000).]
Hand Made knives

* Best Hand Made Fixed Blade: GenO Denning
* Best Hand Made Folder: Art Washburn
* Best Hand Made Auto: Darrel Ralph
* Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade: Darrel Ralph 'Arclite'
* Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade: Max Burnett ((for the reasons Rich said)
* Best Custom Maker: Darrel Ralph, nobody has done more this year, from neck knives to autos to balis.
* Best Custom Folder Maker: Kit Carson
* Best Custom "Art" Knife: Tim Herman

Best Production Fixed Blade: Camillus Talon
Best Buy: Production Folder: CRKT/KFF Special: Moderator of the Year: James Mattis

[This message has been edited by PhilL (edited 12-24-2000).]
Best Custom Maker- Jerry Hossom

Best Production Fixed Blade- Camillus BK&T Brute
Best Production Folder-BM Ares
Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade- Camillus Talon
Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade- Camillus BK&T Magnum Camp
Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade-Any BK&T
Best QC (Quality Control)- Microtech
Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year- Camillus/BK&T
Best Multitool- Leatherman Pulse
Best Sheath System:After Market-Blade-Tech
Best Sheath System:OEM-BK&T
Best Knife Accessory- Marine Tuf-Cloth (don't know when this came out...) Special: Member of the Year- James Mattis Special: Moderator of the Year-Paracelsus!
Hand Made knives

Best Hand Made Fixed Blade --- To many to pick just one!!!
Best Hand Made Folder --- Kit Carson
Best Hand Made Auto --- Darrel Ralph
Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade --- Ed Caffrey (EBK)
Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade --- Max Burnett
Best Buy: Hand Made Folder --- Kit Carson
Best Custom "Art" Knife --- Tim Herman (Price Dagger)

Production (Factory) Knives

Best Production Fixed Blade --- Camillus Becker Line
Best Production Folder --- Speedtech Synergy
Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade --- Camillus
Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade --- Camillus
Best Buy: Production Folder --- CRKT
Best QC (Quality Control) --- Busse
Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year --- Camillus (You guys have come a long way.... Congrats!!!)
Best Knife Accessory --- Spyderco Sharpmaker

BladeForums Special: Member of the Year --- To many bastids to choose from!!! Special: Moderator of the Year --- Gus Kalanzis!
Hand Made knives

Best Hand Made Fixed Blade Neil Blackwood medium tactical in stellite
Best Hand Made Folder - Darrel Ralph Apogee

Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade -
Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade - Allen Blade MEUK
Best Buy: Hand Made Folder- Wegner Pro Hunter

Best Custom Maker Neil Blackwood
Best Custom Folder Maker Pat Crawford

Production (Factory) Knives

Best Production Fixed Blade - BK&T Brute
Best Production Folder - Al Mar SERE 2000
Best Production Auto - Microtech SOCOM auto
Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade - Camillus Talon
Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade - Camillus Talon
Most Innovative Production Folder - Kershaw Boa
Most Innovative Automatic Knife - Microtech D/A LCC
Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade - BK&T Campanion
Best Buy: Production Folder - CRK&T KFF
Best Buy: Production Auto
Best QC (Quality Control) - Microtech
Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year - Microtech
Best Multitool - Leatherman Pulse
Best Kitchen Knives - Fallkniven K1 and K2
Best Sheath System: OEM - Blade Tech Spyderco Moran sheath

BladeForums Special: Moderator of the Year - James Mattis Special: Best Overall Thread - talonite

Dennis Bible

Besr Moderator: James Mattis
Member of the Year: ME, no Parawhatishisname.
For coming forward and trying to fill James Mattis' shoes.
Best Production Folder: My Bladeforums REKAT Carnivore.
Best Buy Production Folder: CRK&T KFF, great knife for the money.

[This message has been edited by Easyrider (edited 12-24-2000).]
Best Production Folder: Spyderco Lum Chinese
Best Production Fixed-blade: Spyderco Moran drop point
Best Buy, Production Folder: Spyderco Calypso Jr. lightweight
Best QC: Spyderco
Best Accessory: Spyderco Sharpmaker 204
Best sheath system: On/Scene Tactical
BF Moderator: Paracelsus
BF Member: James K. Mattis

Paul Special: Member of the Year; Bob Irons Special: Moderator of the Year; James K. Mattis

I cut it, and I cut it, and it's STILL too short!
gee whiz.......I think you need more categories!! Is this a government survey? cause it sure looks like one!
Moderator: James Mattis. No question.

Most innovative folder: SIFU! I think it's also a contender for best production folder. It's unique in the entire industry.

If there was a category for "best fighting folder", it would have an absolute lock.

Hand Made knives:

- Best Hand Made Fixed Blade David Broadwell Fighter
- Best Hand Made Folder Ralph Darrel carbon fiber EDC
- Best Hand Made Auto Larry Chew Quicksilver
- Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade Geno Denning Chute Knife
- Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade Matt Lamey Sunrise Fighter
- Best Buy: Hand Made Folder David Broadwell Personal Defense Knife (PDK)
- Best Buy: Hand Made Auto Larry Chew Spitfire DA
- Best Custom Maker Kit Carson
- Best Custom Folder Maker Kit Carson
- Best Custom "Art" Knife NA

Production (Factory) Knives:

- Best Production Fixed Blade Camillus CUDA CQB2S
- Best Production Folder Microtech LCC MA
- Best Production Auto Microtech LCC DA
- Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade Chris Reeve Knives Mountaineer
- Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade Camillus Talon
- Most Innovative Production Folder Kershaw Onion Boa
- Most Innovative Automatic Knife Microtech LCC DA
- Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade Cold Steel Recon Scout
- Best Buy: Production Folder Microtech LCC DA
- Best Buy: Production Auto Microtech LCC DA
- Best QC (Quality Control) Chris Reeve Knives
- Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year Microtech
- Best Multitool Leatherman Pulse
- Best Kitchen Knives NA
- Best Sheath System: After Market NA
- Best Sheath System: OEM NA
- Best Knife Accessory Edge Pro Sharpening System


- Special: Member of the Year James Mathis
- Special: Moderator of the Year Gus Kalanzis
- Special: Best Overall Thread NA
- Special: Most Humerous ThreadNA

"Livin' Life - Full Throttle"
"Happiness is a belt-fed weapon & a Walter Brend Model 2!"
Hand Made knives

Best Hand Made Fixed Blade Lightfoot Pitbull
Best Hand Made Folder Lightfoot Supressor
Best Hand Made Auto
Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade Jeff Diotte Pirahana
Best Buy: Hand Made Fixed Blade John Greco
Best Buy: Hand Made Folder
Best Buy: Hand Made Auto
Best Custom Maker Pat Crawford
Best Custom Folder Maker Pat Crawford
Best Custom "Art" Knife

Production (Factory) Knives

Best Production Fixed Blade
Best Production Folder Microtech LCC
Best Production Auto Microtech LCC D/A
Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade Callimus CQB2
Most Innovative Production Fixed Blade Becker Tac-Tool
Most Innovative Production Folder MOD CQD
Most Innovative Automatic Knife Microtech LCC D/A
Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade
Best Buy: Production Folder Microtech LCC
Best Buy: Production Auto Microtech LCC D/A
Best QC (Quality Control) Microtech
Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year Microtech
Best Multitool
Best Kitchen Knives
Best Sheath System: After Market On-Scene Tactical
Best Sheath System: OEM
Best Knife Accessory

BladeForums Special: Member of the Year James Mattis Special: Moderator of the Year Paracelsus Special: Best Overall Thread Special: Most Humerous Thread

[This message has been edited by brad1407 (edited 12-24-2000).]

[This message has been edited by brad1407 (edited 12-24-2000).]
Best Hand Made Small Utility Fixed Blade : David Manley Mini Skinner

Best Production Folder : Spyderco G10 Navigator
Best Production Auto : Böker Speedlock
Best Production Small Utility Fixed Blade : CRKT Stiff Kiss
Most Innovative Production Folder : BM 940
Best Buy: Production Fixed Blade : CRKT Stiff Kiss
Best Buy: Production Folder : Spyderco Merlin
Best QC (Quality Control) : Microtech
Overall Knife Manufacturer of the Year
Best Multitool : Gerber 400 series
