Tracker Knife

Oct 30, 2002
Has anyone used the Tom Brown Tracker knife, which is billed as the ultimate survival knife? It looks kind of cool...and useful...


Kevin Haney, Coordinator
Mid-Atlantic Primitive Skills Group
"Where 'primitive' is not a pejorative!"
I have used one of the Dave Beck originals. It was very cool. Way better then the TOPS copy. I wish Beck still made them. I have had a chance to play with the TOPS version, it's ok but the custom feels a lot better.

Could you post a pic of the Beck version? It would be interesting to compare them.

Kevin Haney, Coordinator
Mid-Atlantic Primitive Skills Group
"Where 'primitive' is not a pejorative!"
..and another similar by a local Australian maker.

The 'Evolution'..



I am yet to own the others, but this is the custom blade I currently carry when hiking. It does everything I need it to and does it flawlessly.
That Aussie maker is paying lots of attention to stuff going on here in the States.. GREAT looking blade!...

Ric what makes the TOPS knife inferior? Have you handled one?
Hey Trace! that design was a request from myself - he had an original design that was similar in shape that I had him widen with his verion of the handle and this is what came about. It works well when coupled with a smaller knife for the 'other' jobs...

Thx for the kind words!

I would not get the top serrations on the prod versions through local customs so had a similar theoried knife produced locally.
Gundy.. I have several knives with the same handle characterstics... I REALLY dig your design as well.. Not many contour the handle scales to such a degree.. Bravo to the maker!
I agree--that handle looks fantastic :D (although I'm not sure my hands would like the serrations)

Could someone explain the purposes of the different grinds and features please? :D
In looks only, the other two pictured seem allot "meaner" looking than the Tops knife...IMHO
I like how the saw portion of the original version apears to actually be a saw and not just fancy blade cutouts. Screw The Hunted version I want the original!
Can you give an approx. price for the 'Evolution' to the states and any info if they are available for shipment?

I'm sending an email to them also so I don't mean to be redundant, but I'm excited about a higher quality, more functional design of this knife! Also found these pictures...
Jensen Elite Blades pictures
several nice designs and great looking knives altogether in my opinion. Mr. Gundy has design credits on others also... good stuff!

On a side note I think I may be wishing that I had cancelled my Tops tracker order when they offered since it didn't ship when I was told it would. Still wanted the knife (not so much after seeing this thread :)), just disappointed it wasn't going to be going with me on a camping/climbing trip this weekend for testing it out.

Sorry if this is too many ?'s off the bat but I'm still a newby... Thanks!
contact Peter on the above email addie. He will set you straight Re: Prices ... :D

Peter can complete other serration variations. As I use them only for 'notching' (snares etc)..I have found the style on my EVO to be the best. If I want to go ballistic on something, I use a wire saw or just lately, a SAK...(yes, gundy has aquired his first SAK....:eek: )

I nearly aquired both the original and TOPS version of the Tracker. Until I found out that the serrations at top may prohibit the knife entering Oz.


But, the EVO is certainly helping me forget that...;)

Be safe!
Already got a reply back! I hope it's fine to post prices etc? If not let me know and I'll edit my post. Here's the email with specs etc...
Gday Todd,
thanks for your enquiry. the standard Evolution Survival (as pictured) is $375us. (delivered)
Specs: 6.5" long ATS34 blade 1/4" thick chisel ground (left or right handed) with differential heat treatment, full tang with micarta handle slabs and stainless bolt fasteners all with TacBlast finish. Kydex belt sheath with accessory pouch. the other knike pictured with the Evo is a Gundy Gecko that is an optional extra for $80us when ordered with the Evo (normally $105us) the companion knife actually designed to pair with the Evo is a 4"blade/4"handle with cord wrap.... designed for utility and to be lashed to a pole as an emergency spear.$95us when ordered with the Evo Availability is custom order only at this stage ,delivery is 8-10 weeks at this time.
I do have other models and variations (including larger and smaller models) however they are still being prototyped...... is there anything in particular you had in mind?? as i am always happy to customize. Hope to here from you soon
Peter Jensen
I can't wait to come up with something customized for me and only $75 extra bucks over the tracker to boot! :D

What's up with serrations and Oz? Do they consider it a weapon like a double edge knife here in the states?

Thanks for the info and contact on this knife. My mood has now changed from disappointment of watching the fed-ex guy leave, and me still empty handed :( , to thoughts of a custom knife made just for me! I might just hold onto the tracker (should be here next week :confused: ) to do a side by side comparo?
Kudos to you. That came out AWESOME!!! Great design.
I absolutely love it. The little knife is very cool as well.

Good Job!!

Great knives. I believe I may have to save up some cash to send down under.
Hey Gundy -- how does the TOPS compare to the SRKW models size-wise? Yes, I have a specific reason for asking :D I'm guessing the TOPS is a bit heavier all around knife (?)