WALKING DEAD Season 4, Sunday 10-13-13

T minus 7 hours! Can't wait to see how the season unfolds. Really hope Tyrese is as important as he his in the comics. What was he NFL team he was supposed to have played for? Go Skins!
got my TG ready :)
Just saw the first episode. Won't ruin it for those who haven't seen it yet, but yeah ... the last few seconds of the episode. Like I said, that short little promo trailer ruined that particular segment.
I think it looks like it is going to be better than last season so far. Hope they don't do the zombie animals or you can't eat meat type thing.
That is the question! He thanks Daryl for the deer,pig is sick and dies,when Rick goes into the woods there are tons of dead or dyeing animals everywhere.
I bet the kid had some kind of flu. Swine flu perhaps??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. And for the record, Beth needs to keep her mitts off of Daryl LOL.
Well, since that part's been ruined for those who didn't watch the first airing tonight ... Before the zombie virus, folks dropped dead of a number of things. Maybe in his case it was an extreme food allergy. Something he ate that made him sick before killing him. Maybe a bit of food poisoning combined with an aneurysm in his skull that finally reared its ugly head. (Obviously the food poisoning had zero to do with his death.)
Well, since that part's been ruined for those who didn't watch the first airing tonight ...
If someone did not watch the airing tonight and they do not want spoilers they shouldn't be reading a thread about the show.
I spy...

not to offend anyone, I know some people don't have cable or other means of watching, but if you are unable to watch the current season, why would you read a thread talking about the current season? I avoided the trailers like the plague, I didn't want anything spoiled. I mean no disrespect to those that have no way of watching the current episode/season. that being said, bear in mind, the virus is in all of the people as per the dude at the CDC. Once you die, you become a zombie, unless of course you take a hit to the brain. I still feel that the kid's demise had something to do with the pig.
Hate to say it but Daryl licked his fingers before he shook the kids hand but I really think it is going to have something to do with the food supply. I also believe the little girl is feeding the walkers at the fences drawing more in.
not to offend anyone, I know some people don't have cable or other means of watching, but if you are unable to watch the current season, why would you read a thread talking about the current season? I avoided the trailers like the plague, I didn't want anything spoiled. I mean no disrespect to those that have no way of watching the current episode/season. that being said, bear in mind, the virus is in all of the people as per the dude at the CDC. Once you die, you become a zombie, unless of course you take a hit to the brain. I still feel that the kid's demise had something to do with the pig.

I'm wondering what made the pig sick. I was kinda thinking maybe it's something in the water and the water is what's making people sick too. Another theory a friend of mine has is that since everyone is already infected with the "walker virus" but has to be bit for it to becomes fatal, perhaps the virus is evolving to be able to kill humans without being bit.
I have no idea what is coming next, but I do believe the kids that were naming them is important for some reason. And as much as they talked about staying together and in formation when they went into that store, they sure spent a lot of time wandering around alone.