WALKING DEAD Season 4, Sunday 10-13-13

If I was stuck in that prison with all those people I would have wnt straight to the liquer shelves. Pretty sweet that more Busse blades made an appearance however brief it was.

I thought I might have seen another Busse at the beginning. When the group was killing the walkers through the fence, it looked like a Basic 11 or something in one guys hand. Not sure though and I didn't pause it.

I agree that it wasn't a great episode but may be setting up some good stuff. I personally think the pig/new kid thing, is just the virus adapting. I don't think it's anything too crazy like a food allergy because how would the others prove that now? Then how would the writers convey that to the audience? It's gotta be something simple.
Talking dead said episodes 2 and 3 this season will be gut wrenching. As far as I'm concerned episode 1 is just setting the stage for some zombie awesomeness.
Does anyone else think it is odd that Hershel (a vet) hasn't looked at the pig to see if he can tell why it is sick? Another oddity of the show I guess ;)

Still love it, though.

I have no idea what is coming next, but I do believe the kids that were naming them is important for some reason. And as much as they talked about staying together and in formation when they went into that store, they sure spent a lot of time wandering around alone.

For some reason l kind of suspect the girl Carl was arguing with might be feeding the walkers as pets and perhaps may end up forcing the group to leave the prison.
I got to say that interest in the show at least on this forum has dropped sense last year. There has not been near as many post here as I thought there would be.
Yea w/the pig malfunction and the kid getting Zombiefied at the end makes you wonder if it's gone airborne, or crossed over to the critters now cause remember the kid that changed said to Daryl, "thank you for the venison that you brought in". It could have been infected!!!!!:eek:

Other than that I thought the show was OK. Had to set the stage with the communal atmosphere that now exsist and the finding other people scenarios outside of the compound. Now I imagine things are going to escalate quickly now with a walker in there midst;)
Looks like the stage is set for a good old-fashioned epidemic. A swine flu, with some ebola worked in for dramatic effect, will smoke them out of that prison for good.

People are a great defense against walkers and other people until those people become carriers for something worse.
watching it again now on OnDemand. Something I overlooked last night....in the very beginning Rick is tending the garden and looks over at the walkers at the fence. The camera zooms in on the zombie with blood dripping eyes...the kid at the end, his eyes were all blood drippy. I am really thinking some type of virus tied to the pigs.
I thought that the episode was one of the best ones. That liquor store mayhem was awesome!
I got to say that interest in the show at least on this forum has dropped sense last year. There has not been near as many post here as I thought there would be.

While the premiss remains fun, the characters and writers jumped the shark during season 3. How can you continue to care about a bunch of bums who are too lazy to bathed, clean, stock inventory, repair anything or produce anything. You get the impression that were it not for the zombies chasing them around none of them would ever get out of bed. They appear to be trying to change this in season 4, at least during the 1 episode, by putting in place what sounds like a proto-typical communist model of governance. Once again it is hard to identify with the main characters. With the possible exception of Daryl and Carl, the whole cast of characters can ride a bus off a tall cliff without impacting the popularity of the show.

watching it again now on OnDemand. Something I overlooked last night....in the very beginning Rick is tending the garden and looks over at the walkers at the fence. The camera zooms in on the zombie with blood dripping eyes...the kid at the end, his eyes were all blood drippy. I am really thinking some type of virus tied to the pigs.

A form of hemorrhagic fever?

Not too good with links and stuff, but if you're a fan do a search for the walking dead bad lip reading video. It's hilarious !
Great first episode! They did a great job with the ending :thumbup: Now I can't wait until next week to see what is going on with the bleeding eyes!!!
I thought I might have seen another Busse at the beginning. When the group was killing the walkers through the fence, it looked like a Basic 11 or something in one guys hand. Not sure though and I didn't pause it.

I also caught that at the beginning and thought it looked very much like a basic. Don't have TiVo, so couldn't rewind to see.
I thought it was a great episode! I was a little confused at how all of these new characters showed up. They ran a pretty tight crew last season, not trusting any outsiders at all and not letting them in.
I thought it was a great episode! I was a little confused at how all of these new characters showed up. They ran a pretty tight crew last season, not trusting any outsiders at all and not letting them in.
the new people are the ones from Woodbury that Rick took in at the end of the last episode of the last season.
I thought the beginning felt more like a reunion for the cast. Then as it went on it developed some interesting twists. Could have been better, but still enjoyed it very much. Got a laugh at the no lost time accident day counter Beth had in her cell/room.
the new people are the ones from Woodbury that Rick took in at the end of the last episode of the last season.

That explains it, I never got to see the last episode of last season! :thumbdn: No wonder.....lol