Warenski "Main Gauche" - "Khukri" - "Tut" - "San Fran" - "Scimitar" - Surprises

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Well, I'm definitely getting a copy of that book. Mind well and truly blown, all around. Some makers inspire you to do better. Others just plain leave your jaw on the floor.
Here are two pages from Buster Warenski's section in Julie's
just printed book.

For nearly one year we had searched for good professional photographs
of one knife that had never been displayed properly before. It was Buster
Warenski and Julie's major contribution to modern knife art, the rarest of all,
the "Gem of The Orient" that was finished and sold in 1991.

Lucky for us, out of the blue, a few weeks before closing the book for print
in December of 2012, I received several high quality pictures of Buster and
Julie Warenski's extraordinary "Gem of The Orient" knife - the only
missing piece to complete Julie's book.

I sat up all night, created the final full page illustration from Hiro Soga's
pictures and closed the book for print...

The whole story behind this legendary knife is revealed in the book, for the
first time ever...

All the best,
David Darom (ddd)

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Shiver me timbers but I'm blown. Everything in this thread is spectacular.. but the khukuri is..? I don't have words!
Here are two pages from Buster Warenski's section in Julie's
just printed book.

For nearly one year we had searched for good professional photographs
of one knife that had never been displayed properly before. It was Buster
Warenski and Julie's major contribution to modern knife art, the rarest of all,
the "Gem of The Orient" that was finished and sold in 1991.

Lucky for us, out of the blue, a few weeks before closing the book for print
in December of 2012, I received several high quality pictures of Buster and
Julie Warenski's extraordinary "Gem of The Orient" knife - the only
missing piece to complete Julie's book.

I sat up all night, created the final full page illustration from Hiro Soga's
pictures and closed the book for print...

The whole story behind this legendary knife is revealed in the book, for the
first time ever...

All the best,
David Darom (ddd)


Sure glad you were able to find the missing image, David. And it makes a super addition to the thread, too. Sounds like it is only weeks away that we'll be able to thumb through the new book!


What a GREAT thread! Just viewed it beginning to end, and it ALWAYS astounds me to see the accomplishments of Buster!

Never get tired of looking at them, and looking forward to getting Julie's book!

Fantastic stuff here. I don't need to be psychic to predict that Julie's book will be terrific.
Thank you all for posting! There's a lot of avenues and internets this led me down when previously I couldn't have told anyone who Buster Warenski is. Thanks the the education!
The intention has always been to add interesting pieces to this thread, as they are acquired or as they are found out there in Warenskiland. Here is a quite unique one, which I don't recall ever having seen before. A couple feet overall, axehead about 8" edge.

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That is really cool.......Bob, is or will it be yours?


Marcel, while I love seeing the period stuff, a halberd is not at all my kinda thing, no matter who made it.

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mind = boggled
all are amazing but that black-handled knife with the spiral flowers has me transfixed
"I think it's time for this one to see the light of day again.....you can all understand why!"
Their beauty is indeed timeless. Thank you, Bob for re-posting this.
What a masterpiece!! I can not even begin to imagine what that looks like in person! I KNOW pix, do not even begin to to it proper justice!! That is simply exquisite!!
The "why" is indeed rhetorical. I don't think I've ever seen a thread I've enjoyed poring over more than this. Thank you very much for resurrecting it.
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