What’s your preferred folder size

All of my folders are between slightly under 3", to slightly over 3 1/2". So really only a difference of around a half an inch or so. My biggest issue is handle size, even though I have smaller hands, I don't like "scrunching" my fingers up to hold a knife. As an example, I prefer the handle on a Para 3, over a mini grip. Slightly more room on the handle and therefore, more comfortable for me, even though the cutting edge on a Mini grip is longer than the P3.

Probably why I tend to carry/use the larger knives.

edit: I guess that's why I prefer the Bugout over the mini grip.
Anywhere from a 2.5" inch blade (small Buck Vantage or SAK Cadet) to a Buck 110 at 3.75". Favorite is a large Buck Vantage with a 3.25" blade. I have a small collection of Peanuts, but they are more for the sake of collecting, or using at my desk.
My folders that I am comfortable with would be 4" and below as it fits my needs and can be carried without any use of a belt sheath or the sort.
these days I carry the Large Sebenza 21, fits my hand and pocket extremely well.
Anything from a Peanut to a 4". Not much larger than that, and definitely no smaller than a Case Peanut. 2.75" I think.
Based on your definition, Medium.

Large as a very close second. Not a fan of the 2" office drone pocket jewelry.
Large. 3.75 to 4.25" is perfect. Any suggestions? Iij have quite a few ZT, Benchmade and Brous already, as well as Kershaw and CRKT and a smattering of autos (Hogue and Protech). Recently found Artisan Cutlery had a few 4" blades (Shark and Archaeo). But I'm still looking for that slightly larger blade. I have the CRKT Otanosi No Ken which is PERFECT...large yet thin light and aggressive looking.