What are you doing to keep busy

Uncertain times. I suppose we’re all in the same boat in terms of not knowing whether we’ve steered clear of the worst of it or if worse still lies ahead. Thanks for responding and for being there for all of us. It’s hard to imagine what you’ve been through.
Uncertain, indeed.
I served my country back in the 80's and 90's (including during Desert Storm) as an infantry medic. Back then I kinda expected to die. Now as an RN working these COVID-19 cases, I have that exact same feeling as back then.. I guess that's why I'm so pragmatic about it. And NO, I do not have a death wish, I just don't fear it one bit.
In the words of Jerry: LET'S DRINK!!!!
Might as well embrace it—we all end up the same way.:thumbsup:

Thanks for being there, for all of us, till we gather to explore the great beyond.