What kind of slipjoint do you carry?

Feb 3, 2001
I always carry at least 1 slipjoint with me usually it's a tossup between my Queen Serpentine Jack, and my Twist Ring knife.

Of all you traditionalist out there what kind of SJ do you carry for EDC,(sorry no SAK's).

Here's my Queen:

I also always carry a slipjoint. I have several that I rotate.

Schrade-Walden Stockman, jigged bone
Schrade Trapper, yellow composition scales
Marbles Large Stockman, jigged red bone scales
Camillus Trapper, tortoise shell celluloid scales
Henckels Trapper, jigged red bone scales
Old Timer Bearshead Trapper
Camillus Carpenter's Whittler, jigged black bone scales

I like slipjoints.
Hey T., that is a nice looking Queen. I currently only have a few slipjoints, the majority being stockmen, and one Dr. w/ spatula. Usually I throw a stockman in my pocket as my "sheeple" knife. I have three Queens and a carbon series Camillus. I have been entertaining thoughts of a wharnie whittler... kinda back-burner though.
The one I've been yakking about lately:

A Queen Cattle King Stockman D2 in Cocobolo.

I've been carrying it a lot lately, and leaving the tacticals behind.
Either a Schrade Minuteman or a Schrade Middleman stockman. One or the other is always with me.
I have a few slipjoints, but the closest I have that gets carried is a Kiwi. The Shrades, Cases, Etc.. ussually stay at home
Henckels 4 1/4" trapper with red jigged bone scales. Love those scales.

I most always carry a whittler of some type as well as a Case yellow handled, CV steel trapper or a stockman. Everone should have room for at least one slipjoint in their pocket...:D

I'm a sucker for Barlow's.

I have probably 3-4 in my collection and 2 on the way from an eBay conquest that date back to the 50's. Plan to carry and use them too.

But most often I carry either a GT Mini, BM 773 clipless or SAK Alox Electrician or Al Mar Osprey as my left pocket knife.
Normally a Case green bone trapper, but today it was a Hen and Rooster Copperhead.

Also partial to doctors knives.

And thanks to the knife of the week threads, I have a Buck Creek Stockman, A Henckels Congress, and a Hen and Rooster Stockman on the way. I am also thinking of buying a Bulldog Stag Stockman, but have not heard much about them. Anyone?

The hunt for a sunfish continues.....

And I thought I was saving for a Battle Mistress....
I have a D2 Queen swell center whittler in Cocobolo that finds its way into my pocket, upon occasion.
Case med stockman in CV with a pen in place of the spey blade. Old Timer med stockman. Boker USA large congress. Old German Lenox whittler with pearl scales. These are my EDCs and main whittling knives.
Right now it's a medium Bulldog Stockman with Stag Jigged Bone scales.
However, I just ordered a large Mooremaker Stockman with smooth Burnt Orange Bone scales. I might like the large size better and adjust my buying habits. The main blade on the med Stockman just doesnt cut it (pun intended) for slicing fruit in half.