i posted a very similar thread over on Candlepowerforums, asking "if you knew what you know now, what flashlights would you *not* have bought, it was a reasonably popular thread, and i figured a similar, but knife-related thread might be fun to do here....
so, the question is....
knowing what you know now, what knives would you *not* have purchased?
thanks to the info here on Bladeforums, i've been able to *avoid* a lot of the real stinkers, so *most* of my knives i'd end up keeping, but the ones i wouldn't have any problems parting with would be.....
Buck 110; yes, it's a very nice knife, don't get me wrong, a knife with a rich history and a proven, reliable design and i'm glad i own one, but having used it, it's just a good, solid, basic knife, i wouldn't miss it if i never bought it....
Buck Metro; a good, basic keyring knife, rather unique design, but due to lack of usable blade length, it's not much good for anything beyond opening boxes/blisterpack packages, etc...
Gerber Truss 2.0; bought as an experiment knife, to see how sharp i could get a cheap beater knife (quite sharp, actually), this one i didn't "need", and will only hold onto it as a beater/loaner, this knife i really don't care about either way, if i lose it or it breaks, i won't shed a tear, nor will i replace it, it was an impulse buy, to test an experiment, pure and simple
technically, i could also include the old Gerber EZ-Out, but i had this one before i became a BF member, so i really can't include it in the list, when it dies, it dies, and i won't give it a second thought
what knives would you *not* have purchased, knowing what you do now?
so, the question is....
knowing what you know now, what knives would you *not* have purchased?
thanks to the info here on Bladeforums, i've been able to *avoid* a lot of the real stinkers, so *most* of my knives i'd end up keeping, but the ones i wouldn't have any problems parting with would be.....
Buck 110; yes, it's a very nice knife, don't get me wrong, a knife with a rich history and a proven, reliable design and i'm glad i own one, but having used it, it's just a good, solid, basic knife, i wouldn't miss it if i never bought it....
Buck Metro; a good, basic keyring knife, rather unique design, but due to lack of usable blade length, it's not much good for anything beyond opening boxes/blisterpack packages, etc...
Gerber Truss 2.0; bought as an experiment knife, to see how sharp i could get a cheap beater knife (quite sharp, actually), this one i didn't "need", and will only hold onto it as a beater/loaner, this knife i really don't care about either way, if i lose it or it breaks, i won't shed a tear, nor will i replace it, it was an impulse buy, to test an experiment, pure and simple
technically, i could also include the old Gerber EZ-Out, but i had this one before i became a BF member, so i really can't include it in the list, when it dies, it dies, and i won't give it a second thought
what knives would you *not* have purchased, knowing what you do now?