What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?


A couple of these didn't actually make it to church.
No more talk of chocolate!?!?!?!:mad:

Interesting insights regarding golf and the alleged enjoyment thereof. If one’s enjoyment us in proportion to one’s level of skill, that would explain why I have always thought it to be a collosal waste of my time. I always thought there was a fork in the road of life ~ golfing or fishing, The choice was easy🤣
But if you’re theory of enjoyment being dependent on skill level is true, then how does anyone manage to stick with it long enough to get good at it?😜
My Cost Per Stroke was much lower than most of the people that I ever played Golf with .

I have a chance to get one of those bullet trappers,what is your opinion on it I already have the Tidioute version?
The fit and finish is probably one of the best of all the GECs I have. A lot of people don’t like the price of $170, but I think they’re worth it. I’m really happy with it; I’ve carried it about every day since I got it. I recommend it; go for it!
The fit and finish is probably one of the best of all the GECs I have. A lot of people don’t like the price of $170, but I think they’re worth it. I’m really happy with it; I’ve carried it about every day since I got it. I recommend it; go for it!
I couldn't wait,I have traded 4 great knives of mine in the UK for one,should arrive tuesday if we both post out tommorow.thanks for the input.
A good way to slim down the collection swapping 4 for 1.