What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?

Back with the Eureka again. I generally prefer Pen construction, but this is one of GEC's best Jacks (OVB)


I could stare at that horn all day! :)

Start of another week. I think I'm going to be carrying this Lambsfoot for a while :) I don't usually care much for the contemporary Sheffield clip all the remaining manufacturers do. I quite like this swedged example by A.Wright though. Unfortunately, my table-top pic doesn't show the swedges! :rolleyes: Have a good week everyone :thumbsup:

These two today.

Awesome azul, Tom! :thumbsup::cool:

I literally just unboxed this humpback whittler. It's gorgeous! A perfect compliment to my new Bose Case imo.
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Heavenly humpback, SP! :cool::thumbsup:

World-class whittler, P&G! :thumbsup::cool:

Western 657 today

Steve & Vaporstang, those are a couple of voluptuous vintage jack knives!! :cool::cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks, GT, Pearl and I are having a pleasant weekend.

I like the look of light covers with a dark patina, and it looks like you've got a good patina started on those Cases.
Thanks for the compliments Gary! :) That is a great pair of CV Cases! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thanks, r8shell & Ron. The Case CV seems quite susceptible to patina. :thumbsup:;)

Had this TEW Lambfoot in my pocket today . Carried it safely in the new Slip made by Dylan .
Congrats on the new Guardian pocket slips, Harry! :thumbsup::cool: Dylan certainly outdid himself! :cool::thumbsup:

Thanks pal, fine culinary companions there :) :thumbsup:

My two for today :)

Have a great Sunday folks :thumbsup:
Thanks, Jack. :) Handsome Sunday pair for you, Jack - Black & White! :cool::thumbsup:

Thanks GT! I don't use the spatula a lot, but occasionaly it comes in quite handy. E.g. for pulling a loop through a tight slit on the car seat of my daughter or pushing a bit of stray fabric back behind the door panel of my old car :)
Thanks for the reply, Mark. Sounds like a case of "necessity is the mother of invention"! :):cool::thumbsup:

Taking advantage of the opportunity yesterday to show this Weidmannsheil, I will carry it today in my pocket!!!

Worthy Weidmannsheil, Pt-Luso! :thumbsup::cool:

Good morning all. It seems I can’t post pics anymore the old way ( Tapatalk ) so I’ll have to find a new way. Until then I’ll just say that in my pockets today will be a single spear GEC 15 with jigged antique yellow and end cap that Our friend Ron gifted me and the mighty yeller nut from our friend Capt’n Call...such great folks around these parts!
Hope you figure out the photos soon, Clay, but I think I can still picture in my mind's eye the two gift knives you mention! :thumbsup::cool:

These two just seemed right today! :)

Stunning pairing, Ron! :cool::thumbsup: So many of the Guardian Lambsfoot knives have covers that suggest high-velocity motion, even at rest! ;):thumbsup:

Some curly zebrawood Queen goodness today.

Zesty zebrawood pair, Jeff! :thumbsup::cool:

We're back from our Italian travels and I'm trying to catch up on what I've missed.
My Lloyd and Pinched Peanut are having a fine time being together again. The peanut made the trip, the Lloyd stayed home.
I'm going to post some travel pics in the lounge as soon as I have some extra time.
Old pic, but with me today;
Welcome back, Gary! :) What an auspicious pair you've reunited! :thumbsup::cool:

This Stag Wrangler since it's arrival.

Easy to see why you're "smitten" by that one, Paul! :thumbsup::cool:

You dance inside my chest
Where no one sees you
But sometimes I do
And from that light
Comes this art

Ru me'

Rapturous Remington Barlow, Gev! :thumbsup::cool: (Are you still harvesting tomatoes down there?)

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I pretty much had all blade types covered with this week’s pairing.
Northwoods Norfolk w/Smooth Calico Bone and the venerable Buck 301.
Definitely a powerful pair, Ratbert; they complement each other perfectly! :thumbsup::cool:

Stockman of the Week is a Buck 371 (thanks, Randy):

Canoe of the Week is a cracked ice Chinese Imperial (I carried a mini version last week):

Euro Knife of the Week is a John Watts ring opener from Sheffield (thanks, Jack):

- GT
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