What "Traditional Knife" are ya totin' today?


mmmm elderberries !!! I was just listening to the Cranberries. The Colours of 2018 :D Gorgeous knife :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup:

How in the world was that beauty considered EDC???!!!

I’ve been listening to The Cranberries a lot the last couple of days, myself. RIP Dolores :(
How in the world was that beauty considered EDC???!!!

I’ve been listening to The Cranberries a lot the last couple of days, myself. RIP Dolores :(
I have no idea...but I'm greatful

Amen... May she easily find he way through the Labyrinth ( Bardo )
I'm falling behind in this thread, at least partly because I got all shaky and achy yesterday, and I think I'm a Flu Fighter now. :thumbsdown:

@TheChunk91 , that Imperial is older than I am, but in better shape, I think! :thumbsup::thumbsup:;)

Admirable pair, Alan! :thumbsup::cool::thumbsup:

Big and bad (and beautiful beads), Zieg! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I like that dapper dark duo, Tom! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

That's a cultured couple of knives you have there, Stuart; very classy! :cool::cool::thumbsup:

Congrats on the immaculate Italian import, Duane! :cool::thumbsup::cool:

Cool collection of Craftsman tools, Steve! :thumbsup::cool::cool:

Hope you had a memorable anniversary dinner, Jeff. :cool::thumbsup: Congrats on the anniversary and the Mustang! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Get well soon, Jeff; pneumonia/flu combo sounds like no fun at all! :(:thumbsdown: Couple of notable knives keeping you company! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Pleasant pair for sure, Ron! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

That knife hits the bulls eye (or Nose), FBC! ;):thumbsup::thumbsup:

IMHO, no need to apologize for carrying a Recruit, 315 315 ! I think it's a splendid knife! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks for leaving me something in your will, Jack, although I'll probably "check out" before you do! :D I'm glad to have a rotation schedule again to minimize my decision-making.
Thoughtful twosome you picked! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool:

Superb knife, Steve (and excellent photo)! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks for the examples of Case sawcut bone Barlows, guys! :thumbsup::thumbsup::cool: Travman, the symmetry on the handle of yours is incredible! :cool::thumbsup:

Dylan, thanks for encouraging my scheduling endeavors. :)
Dylan and r8shell, I'm enjoying these ebony siblings of the Churchills you have. Little sister is an 09 Esquire, right? What's that big brother?

Thanks, Dean. :) Both knives were ones I've been after for quite some time, so I should be happy for the 4C-able future (nice alliteration ;)).

Luscious ligneous pair, Stuart! :cool::thumbsup::thumbsup: I really like that big old Clause, although I was surprised to see how high the main rides when closed! :eek:

Yowza, Gev!! :eek::thumbsup::thumbsup::cool::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Some Case knives for me this week.
Watchpocket Knife of the Week is a Wharncliffe mini copperhead:

Peanut of the Week is a Delrin TruSharp Peanut (thanks, Cory):

Even though I carry this knife EVERY week, it's on my schedule as Big (?) Knife of the Week:

- GT
Nice Cases shown there GT !!!

How in the world was that beauty considered EDC???!!!

I’ve been listening to The Cranberries a lot the last couple of days, myself. RIP Dolores :(
Yes, nice knife. Give it to me and I'll EDC the heck out of it. [I like the Cranberries (her voice was magnetic and I can't understand such a young death - very sad), but am more of a Wilco/Byrds guy].
- Stuart
A sad day on the homestead yesterday. By trusty Boker 494 sheepsfoot Barlow was lost out on the lake ice. My work pants for the day had a hole in the pocket so I had slipped the knife into the watch pocket. Off to do a little ice fishing before work and the knife is somewhere between my cabin and my hole in the ice. Under a foot or two of snow and, come spring, lost to the depths of the lake I commute on. It has been a while since I had lost a knife and this one has been my companion for two and a half years. A true E.D.C.

Thankfully I am a knife nut an spare knives are always around! Trying to decide between these two beauties for my new E.D.C. What would you all pick? The might peanut or the thinly ground super slicer IXL?

A sad day on the homestead yesterday. By trusty Boker 494 sheepsfoot Barlow was lost out on the lake ice. My work pants for the day had a hole in the pocket so I had slipped the knife into the watch pocket. Off to do a little ice fishing before work and the knife is somewhere between my cabin and my hole in the ice. Under a foot or two of snow and, come spring, lost to the depths of the lake I commute on. It has been a while since I had lost a knife and this one has been my companion for two and a half years. A true E.D.C.

Thankfully I am a knife nut an spare knives are always around! Trying to decide between these two beauties for my new E.D.C. What would you all pick? The might peanut or the thinly ground super slicer IXL?

I would go with the IXL , because I like bigger knives ..

A sad day on the homestead yesterday. By trusty Boker 494 sheepsfoot Barlow was lost out on the lake ice. My work pants for the day had a hole in the pocket so I had slipped the knife into the watch pocket. Off to do a little ice fishing before work and the knife is somewhere between my cabin and my hole in the ice. Under a foot or two of snow and, come spring, lost to the depths of the lake I commute on. It has been a while since I had lost a knife and this one has been my companion for two and a half years. A true E.D.C.

Thankfully I am a knife nut an spare knives are always around! Trying to decide between these two beauties for my new E.D.C. What would you all pick? The might peanut or the thinly ground super slicer IXL?

The peanut. FWIW, buy some new work pants or needle and thread. I've been there, though I found my "fallen knife". I no longer put anything in a pocket that has holes or other compromising conditions. Ever. Feel for you, bro.
- Stuart
A sad day on the homestead yesterday. By trusty Boker 494 sheepsfoot Barlow was lost out on the lake ice. My work pants for the day had a hole in the pocket so I had slipped the knife into the watch pocket. Off to do a little ice fishing before work and the knife is somewhere between my cabin and my hole in the ice. Under a foot or two of snow and, come spring, lost to the depths of the lake I commute on. It has been a while since I had lost a knife and this one has been my companion for two and a half years. A true E.D.C.

Thankfully I am a knife nut an spare knives are always around! Trying to decide between these two beauties for my new E.D.C. What would you all pick? The might peanut or the thinly ground super slicer IXL?

I've got a a Boker 494 sheep foot main in pretty decent shape I'd like to send your way...it could use a warm pocket and a hand to use it on a regular basis, ping me on my profile page and I'll get it on its way to you :)
I've got a a Boker 494 sheep foot main in pretty decent shape I'd like to send your way...it could use a warm pocket and a hand to use it on a regular basis, ping me on my profile page and I'll get it on its way to you :)

Go on you sitflyer sitflyer ! What a kind thing to do.
Made this cross for my granddaughter's 15th birthday last September. It and a card/check was stolen out of their mailbox, I was livid. Closed that bank account, blah blah blah. Livid. A few months go by and guess what shows up in the mailbox ... yep, the cross and the check. Her card was gone and the stamps used to mail it back to me looked stolen. Addressed without my last name, I can't help but wonder the life this cross has lived in the last few months. What made the thief return it? So many questions come to mind. In any case, it's no longer cursed, and glad to have it back. Made her a replacement already, maybe this one needs to go somewhere else.

Ivory is similar to this fine knife Todd made for me that I'm carrying today.

Beautiful cross and knife. Glad the thief had a change of heart.
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Maybe the would be thief started to have a serious run of bad luck and decided the only way to break the streak was to return it???
Made this cross for my granddaughter's 15th birthday last September. It and a card/check was stolen out of their mailbox, I was livid. Closed that bank account, blah blah blah. Livid. A few months go by and guess what shows up in the mailbox ... yep, the cross and the check. Her card was gone and the stamps used to mail it back to me looked stolen. Addressed without my last name, I can't help but wonder the life this cross has lived in the last few months. What made the thief return it? So many questions come to mind. In any case, it's no longer cursed, and glad to have it back. Made her a replacement already, maybe this one needs to go somewhere else.

Ivory is similar to this fine knife Todd made for me that I'm carrying today.


Maybe the would be thief started to have a serious run of bad luck and decided the only way to break the streak was to return it???

It helps if you actually include the quote you're referring to.