What's Wrong With Me?

Sep 27, 2011
Folks. . . I am going to just say it and then retreat to a corner and wait for my punishment: I don't LOVE my 3" XM-18 Flipper/Slicer. There I said it.
Quality: excellent.
Fit and Finish: superb.
Materals: top notch.
Design: beautiful.
My love for the knife: not so much. Don't get ,me wrong, I fully APPRECIATE the knife and everything it is, but maybe it's just not right for ME.
I am having a hard time pinpointing just what it is about it that I can't fully warm up to. I am a very light user and have not and probably will not have a need for such a tank of a knife, although I love the thought of just having it available. I know you don't have to use it hard to appreciate it. As far as I can pinpoint it comes down to the way it feels in my hand--something about the distance between the cutting edge and where my first finger lies in the groove feels awkward to me. I try and choke up on the choil, but the fleshy part of my digit gets dangeroulsy close to the cutting edge. Also, the cash value of the knife vs. how much I see myself using it--I am having a hard time justifying that in my mind.
I considered trading it for another brand of knife I am fond of, but didn't get any reasonable trade offers. I have considered selling it on the exchange, but XM-18's are so hard to get that I am afraid I would be kicking myself. Kinda silly to fret over a knife so much huh? In all likelihood, if I ever do trade/sell it I will buy another one right away to replace the spot in my drawer/pocket and the hole in my heart. Knife Knuts are funny that way. . .
Hey, don't feel bad. Everyone has different tastes. Lord knows there are knives that people gush over that I can't stand the look of or I've tried and they just didn't feel right in my hand... You said it, "maybe it's just not right for me". I keep a pretty active eye on the exchange and there always seems to be one or two 3" XMs for sale. I do LOVE my 3" XM flipper. I feel joy every time I pull it out of my pocket to cut something. Sometimes I bring it out just to feel the joy and inspect the perfection and flip it out a few times to feel that precision engineering... If you aren't feeling the love then there's really no reason to keep it is there? Do you have the 3.5"?
Let me start with "different strokes for different folks".

It is cool that the knife is not" just righ"t for you. You will likely now receive offers since you posted this.

If you tried the short lanyard for better grip and still feel the same, if you have experienced the 3.5 and still feel the same....then...well...

It's a little like the Goldilocks and some bears n porridge n beds story....you will find the right one if you keep looking.
Maprik--thanks for the response. I do not own the 3.5"--it's a little large for me. Maybe I just need to spend a little more time with her.

N2K--Good analogy with Goldilocks sir--well said!
If I may, When I got my 3" (after eagerly awaiting it) I opened the box and immediately said (out loud)
" Oooh, Yikes! Ummmm this isn't gonna work and will not be in my rotation"
It sat.
I then thought, Well I know I'm not selling it (won't sell my Hinderers) So.... lets give her a try.
I wouldn't take it out of my pocket, I was hesitant wishing I had my 3.5".
Fast forward.... has been in my pocket for 3-4 months now, used daily and I love it.
Now, I am a Parent and I will say and it is true that I love ALL my kids and do so equally just not equally ALL the time. Sometimes I love one more than another and they rotate (teenagers)
I do not love the 3" as much as the 3.5" BUT I don't love the XM24 as much as the 3.5" either.
Give her a chance, I think you may end up surprised.
Maprik--thanks for the response. I do not own the 3.5"--it's a little large for me. Maybe I just need to spend a little more time with her.

Divorce is tough... It's good that you are seeking counselling! I hope you can work it out, just don't beat yourself up because you don't love her the way others seem to... there's nothing wrong with you. (I tried my best to work it out with a small Sebenza but in the end I had to let her go - no regrets !!)
Rubi--good advice my man. I will put her in my pocket and give her another shot.

Maprik--I didn't know if "Sebenza" was considered a dirty word in this forum! But since you brought it up. . .

Are there any other XM users who are also Sebenza users in here? If so, what are your thoughts?
Rubi--good advice my man. I will put her in my pocket and give her another shot.

Maprik--I didn't know if "Sebenza" was considered a dirty word in this forum! But since you brought it up. . .

Are there any other XM users who are also Sebenza users in here? If so, what are your thoughts?

I have many CRK's (StarBenza, Umnumzaans, StarTac etc) not a dirty word. Knife lovers love knives.
I have a safe FULL. I don't make any bones that I carry Hinderers .....
Before my 3" XM flipper I used to EDC the large Sebenza. I raised a few eyebrows opening a pack of HotDogs at the July 4th BBQ. I still love it, the design, the lines, the simplicity. Now it's on the hiking/camping reserve list and I enjoy it very much when I do carry it (horizontal belt sheath since my XM is still in my pocket...;))
I don't promote wholesale discussion of "other" knives just because I consider it bad form, this is the Hinderer Forum.
Much like I never liked hearing about "X"'s or other Boyfriends or prior emplyees, etc.
IF I'm with someone or someplace I want to talk about the here and now, not the past or the prior.
Just good manners.
I feel like my XM is big brother, while my sebenza is little sister. I love carrying both. I feel they just compliment each other really well.

Give your 3in sometime, i also didn't warm up right away due to playing with a 3.5 at the CCKS, but now i love them. Just something else nice to have until you get what you really want.
I am geared up with a new enthusiasm for my XM because of these posts. I am going to go home, switch out and begin carrying her again today.
To use it is to love it. Mine opens with a "Whack" effortlessly, is razor sharp, weighs nothing down no matter what I am wearing, is VERY utilitarian in daily tasks much more so than any other knife size some of which are a "bit" too large or too small.
I hope you know that I (and many if not all here) would not lie to you. IF anything a deception would be toward talking you into parting with it.

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Are there any other XM users who are also Sebenza users in here? If so, what are your thoughts?

I've been carrying a large sebby everyday for a while now. My 3" slicer should be home waiting as well as a 0560. I too will find out and reply with my opinions.
My 3" XM replaced my large sebenza as my EDC. I have to admit I like the 3" slicer grind so much I traded a 3.5" for another 3" just so there would be no way that I will be without one. I may have to get a 3rd one just to be safe. For me it is the perfect size for EDC. I was skeptical at first as well but after carrying it for a few days I was hooked.
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I just ordered an Orange scale this morning and got a priority mail shipment notice from Lori about an hour ago. Talk about service!!!! Woot!!!!!
A knife can be the most awesome cutting tool ever created by man or the gods. But there is that intangible, "Gotta connect with it" to complete to circuit.