Which 3 knives for the rest of your life ?


Cincinnattii (sp.?) Becker Machax, BRKT Bravo-1, Buck Alpha Dorado. (and Victorinox Swiss Spirit which makes it a Metric 3?? :confused:)

BRKT Cumberland Trail or Canadian camp as my Chopper.

Spyderco Perrin Street Beat as small fixed blade.

GEC Wharncliffe Barlow as a small folder.
I would definitely want a large chopper or axe, and 2 smaller fixed blades. I was originally going to say a Leatherman Wave, but I have to agree with the no moving parts theory. I'm going to say 3 knives that I don't own, based on reputation, reviews here on W&SS and the amount of drool they produce in me.

My large chopper would be something I could use as a chopper and also as a draw knife, so no recurves. I would go with a BRKT Golok with orange G-10 handles (I wouldn't want to lose the only 3 knives I'll have for the rest of my life!). My medium sized knife would be a Busse Skinny Ash (I haven't owned a Busse, but I will before it's all said and done, when I don't have any upcoming money tied up in other knives and gear...so maybe I won't ever own a Busse!). My smaller knife might be a Skookum Bush Tool for all the finer work.

Ask me again tomorrow, and my answers will probably be different.
Since we are allowed 3 knives, I'll take my GB SFA as a chopper in addition to a Busse SFNO, an RC4 and an RC3. These are the knives I'd want for the end of the world and the end of the world is the only reason I can think of to limit myself to 3 knives. If we weren't talking about the end of the world I'd probably pick a Strider SnG instead of the RC3.
My large chopper would be something I could use as a chopper and also as a draw knife, so no recurves.

Actually, the Machax, which is a recurve, works very well as a draw knife.


Edited to add: I was thinking of this in terms of bow making - it wouldn't work as well on wider material.
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Although I like the 19" axes, if it was for my whole life (and if knives includes axes) I'd want a 3/4 axe.

So for me it would go something like this:

Hudson's Bay axe from S&N or Wetterlings or GB or Iltis
BKRT Aurora
something very small, like a 1 1/2 - 2" blade, but offhand I don't have a specific knife for that.

But I could also go for a rig like this:

Now nearly-finished battle misanthropist giant chopper
Convenient little folder

But either way the Aurora is coming with me!
my answer would be the following.

gransfor bruks scandanavian forest axe

bark river golok

bark river fox river

the axe is necessary for felling larger trees and for splitting and general wood work.

the golok provides enough reach to do clearing and harvesting

the fox river is just the right size for multi-tasking.

HI WWII Kukri 16.5", Koster nessie (small one), Leatherman Wave ( or a SAK camper, it's a difficult choice)
As I don't really have a desire or a need for a large chopper, the fixed blades I would choose are both 4 inch blades, the Fallkniven H1/3G & TK2.

And the third, would be the Fallkniven TK3 folder

I'm rather glad this is restricted to knives, 'cause I'm going to keep using my GB mini :D

Kind regards
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Is this selection for the hypothetical end of the world? If so, I'd tweak my choices slightly. I thought it was just settling on a permanent three for normal circumstances.
Is this selection for the hypothetical end of the world? If so, I'd tweak my choices slightly. I thought it was just settling on a permanent three for normal circumstances.

Oh, well, if that's the case, I have my favorite three for: EDC, Car Camping, Backpacking, Woodsbumming, Large Game Hunting, Small Game Hunting, Bird Hunting, End of the World, Military Duty CONUS, Deployments....

Well, it was worth a try:D

For today:

1) Bill Siegle Hoodlum II for the big chopper
2) Bark River Bravo-1
3) Sebenza

I don't consider my Spirit a knife...so I won't count it:D

1-Leatherman Charge---EDC since Leatherman introduced them.
2-Busse SAR-4 (recently replaced BATACK)---Current packed out of sight but on belt during hunting season.
3-Busse 10" Battle Mistress---Packed on selective occasions for chopping.
3-Full size "Shark Saw" (pull saw)---Packed as lightweight alternative to BM.
This is like Sophies Choice! It's tough to narrow down to exact knives, but I'd take one knife from Ray Laconico, one from Nick Allen and one from Brian Andrews and I wouldn't have any regrets.
Ranger RD9 (Although I rarely use a big chopper)
NWA Scout (Was the forum knife, I think it's called the 'Sierra Scout' now)
BM 710 D2

For my chopper--Bottom Siegle in each photo--not sure which??



mid size--this SAR 5--


or bottom Siegle


Small knife??

Second one from top


or this Horton
