Looking pretty good there Robert! How many have you done so far? The Rob Browns are stunning. Thanks for the Back up there Stephen! Hey D.D. Here is the deal. Bob Loveless is the designer of this style knife, just as with many others. Bob never intended for his knives to be collectibles. They were meant to be hard workers. Because of the genus of his work, and designs, they have become MEGA collectible. I am the maker of the Loveless Connection Knives. I have been taught to make them by the Loveless shop in a certain way. Like The original Loveless's, the knives are for using. But they too have become highly collectible. This wasn't our original plan. In fact, it kinda caught me by surprise! But they are Loveless Designs, taken from original Loveless patterns, and made exactly as they are in the Loveless shop. It isn't my place to change things. And it seem that my, and Loveless's customers would have it no other way. For what it is worth, Only the Lovett-Loveless Connections Knives are so marked. Any other knives from my shop are not numbered at all. Thanks for looking, and for your comments. I do understand completely. Mike and Manuela