Wholesale or resale knives

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Jan 2, 2006
I am looking to expand the retail end of my business and am looking for wholesalers that sell quality chef, butcher, kitchen, and hunting knives at true wholesale prices. Does anybody know a good source?
Check out Blue Grass Cutlery. They seem to be a big knife wholesale/distributor. Depending on brand, check with the actual knife manufacturer.
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Isn't "The Cutting Edge" an A.G. Russell website and it was AG's publication? Have you checked to make sure you're not using someones trademarked name.

Win Heger said:
Isn't "The Cutting Edge" an A.G. Russell website and it was AG's publication? Have you checked to make sure you're not using someones trademarked name.


That is what I was thinking.
The Cutting Edge is definitely a registered trademark of A.G. Russell Knives. If you check the second paragraph in the letter provided in the link below you will see The Cutting Edge followed by the registered trademark symbol.

It is also the name of my business, a name that has been in use for 21 years at this business. The name is registered with the State of Idaho.
Keith Montgomery said:
The Cutting Edge is definitely a registered trademark of A.G. Russell Knives. If you check the second paragraph in the letter provided in the link below you will see The Cutting Edge followed by the registered trademark symbol.


I see that "cuttingedge" has the mark, but not "The Cutting Edge."
The Cutting Edge said:
I see that "cuttingedge" has the mark, but not "The Cutting Edge."

Then you should look again. What is capitalized is The Cutting Edge, and that is what is followed by the registered trademark symbol. Believe me, it is both The Cutting Edge and cuttingedge.com that are registered trademarks.

It is up to you if want to do business on a national scale under that name. You may want to check with a trademark attorney before doing so though.
The name "The Cutting Edge" belongs to Mr. Russell. Even using it here as a forum name is misleading and crappy IMHO. Pick a new name! :D
Kevin Wilkins said:
The name "The Cutting Edge" belongs to Mr. Russell. Even using it here as a forum name is misleading and crappy IMHO. Pick a new name! :D

It might very well be an infringment, especially since it's mentioned in connection with commercial use?
The Last Confederate said:
It might very well be an infringment, especially since it's mentioned in connection with commercial use?

Actually it is only an infringment if he starts selling knives or promoting them on the web. If he opens a store or web site using cutting edge in any form we will both begin to make the lawyers rich.

This thread goes to the attention of my trademark atty this morning. I hope that this new fellow will save us both money. Just by being here he has already cost me several hundred dollars.

A. G.

Thanks to all of those who took the trouble to let me know about this thread.
I believe that Moteng and Blue Ridge are the only large scale distributors out there, but Blue Ridge does not carry Benchmade.