Wicked Edge / Edge Pro

Y'all can debate angles and formulas all day long. I just want my apex 4 kit to hurry up and knock on my door!

I sided with the edge pro mostly because of cost. The stones for the EP are much cheaper than the wicked edge. Since I'm in college that matters, a lot.
There are some great thinkers on this thread, no matter what you believe, there is some great knowledge being shared here.
There are some great thinkers on this thread, no matter what you believe, there is some great knowledge being shared here.

Agreed x 1000. Haven't come across a thread in M,T & E like this ever where so many people have taken the time to analyze, debate, model, etc. Hell, it's damn refreshing to see this kind of intelligence (and correct grammar) compared to any other forum (automotive, political) I've participated in.
Inevitable dawning? Pfff- kicking and screaming, buddy :p. I'm used to being right, not being part of the Schadenfreude. Guess there's a first time for everything.

Oh, and looking at Wicked Edge's current dealer's page, there already appears to be a UK/Ireland dealer (maybe not active yet?). I also remember a Spyderco or JerzeeDevil forum member who was from France (I believe) that managed to import a unit. Although I'm guessing UK law might frown on that sort of thing? I'm familiar with some of their knife laws, but not their knife sharpener laws if there is such a thing.

They closed the deal with the UK/Ireland distributor pretty much the day I emailed. It will be some time before we see them here. And the way things work on US imports, they will be equivalent to $375, is my guess.

Edit. W.E will send one to me, I am just waiting to hear about cost.

Yes, the knife laws are stringent, but there is no law relating to sharpeners. In a nutshell, if you have a good reason for carrying a locking blade (self defence does not constitute a good reason) then you can carry one.
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No need to let this thread settle down just yet. Here's a statement and question for owners and users of the Wicked Edge: so full flat ground blades on the W.E. are supposed to be a 'challenge' to sharpen. Since the sharpening motion itself doesn't appear to be especially challenging I assume the "challenging" part is tweaking the way the blade is clamped? Is there a way to clamp it just right so that the edge points straight up? What does it mean by "challenging"?

I'm wondering if a future feature or mod for the W.E. won't be the addition of an adjustment knob at the base of the system that very finely but securely pivots the clamp independently of the guide rods (think a slight teeter totter motion). You could even include a mini-bubble level or guide that is designed to sit on the blade and indicate when the edge is pointing straight up. Of course, these are all moot suggestions if the clamp works just fine with FFG blades.

Anyone want to take a crack at an explanation? I have a treasured B.M. that's FFG as well as a bunch of kitchen and hunting knives and I want to be reassured that the W.E. can handle them without too much trouble.
I dont have much problem with the clamp on the W.E.

When clamping FFG blades you have to be a little more careful. If you get the clamp off a little, what can happen is that when you apply pressure to the stone, the blade will move a bit. However, the W.E. really has a lot of clamping power so even then you wouild have to really be pushing on the stone hard (which isnt recommended using diamond stones)

Also, with Spyderco's and a lot of other blades that use FFG blades, there is oftentimes a flat spot (like around the Spyderco hole) that you could clamp to as well.
Oh, so it's not an alignment problem but more of the clamp not fitting the form of the blade? That actually sounds like there might be an easier solution if there is ever a W.E. 2.0 system. A very similar clamp design (or something that can be swapped out?) except one side is hinged allowing it to fully contact and hold the form of a FFG blade. Not sure of the exact design- just speculating. Damn, you know- it seems like it would be great fun to design your own sharpening system. Of course, when so much of your own money is on the line, maybe that feeling changes...
I haven't put a FFG in my WE yet. I was thinking about measuring the angle of the FFG and holding one side of the knife flat against the fixed part of the clamp and then allow the floating side to snug up to it (or perhaps using a small wedge). The knife wouldn't be perfectly vertical in the clamp but this could be compensated by adjusting the angles of the arms by the angle of one side of the FFG. Not sure if it's necessary or if it will work but maybe I'll give it a try this weekend...
I actually have more trouble sharpening Spyderco knives on the Apex. The large hump around the Spyderco hole keeps me from getting the blade to sit consistantly on the table while resting up on the slide guide.

The W.E. Is easier on those types of blades, flat grind or not.
.... if there is ever a W.E. 2.0 system. A very similar clamp design (or something that can be swapped out?) except one side is hinged allowing it to fully contact and hold the form of a FFG blade....

I think one side is hinged, so it's the fixed side that would need to tilt slightly, to tip the right side clamp over. Then the left side could just snug up to it.
I spoke with the Wicked Edge Guys in person at the NYCKS this weekend. They clamped my Spyderco Military in their device without a problem. He used a small chamiox cloth in the clamp to help with clamping. The Wicked Edge clamp is designed to clamp parallel flats. But it works on the tapered edges of a full flat ground blade with a little shim or carefull clamping.
Y'all can debate angles and formulas all day long. I just want my apex 4 kit to hurry up and knock on my door!

I sided with the edge pro mostly because of cost. The stones for the EP are much cheaper than the wicked edge. Since I'm in college that matters, a lot.

Hello CrimsonTideShooter,
W.E stones come in pairs,two sides on each stone , that is 2x2 =4 , 4 in to
$50.00= $12.50 per stone. That is a good price .
Good Luck with your new Edge Pro .
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Hello CrimsonTideShooter,
W.E stones come in pairs,two sides on each stone , that is 2x2 =4 , 4 in to
$50.00= $12.50 per stone. That is a good price .
Good Luck with your new Edge Pro .

While the individual stones might not be more expensive it still ends up costing a lot more money because if I want a fine stone I buy ONE 1000 grit stone for 14 dollars, and that's all I need. As opposed to paying 50 dollars for the combo you get with wicked edge.

I wasn't comparing stone costs, I was talking practicality.
Ordered my W-Edge and stones last night. I am now like a kid waiting for Santa Claus!

If we are talking new videos, a word on short term and long term maintenance of a convex bevel would be cool.

Also, in the video with the sashimi there is no advice on what to do with the flat side. Presumably there is a small burr to deal with? I don't know, I have never had one.

On the FFG point. Is it not possible to put the blade in at an angle, flat against the fixed vertical clamp and snug up the adjuster so that too is flat. Your blade is skewed, but firmly held and if you know the angle, you can compensate. So you set the right guide at, say 15.5 degrees (the true angle, because that side is vertical) and the other side at, say 18.5 degrees. Wouldn't that work? OK you need a means of knowing the blade's grind angle, but a 50c protractor will give you that. Or you could go fancy with a Bevel Box or Angle Cube.

Just a thought, but would there be any support for a Group or Forum for Wicked Edge users to share advanced techniques (I am not claiming the above is an advanced technique BTW), solutions to particular sharpening problems, myth-busting etc. I know I'm new here, and maybe I am getting a bit ahead of myself, so forgive my newbie syndrome.
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Hi every one
Ive been lurking for a while...since i have interest in having my knives
( mostly cooking knives ) perfectly sharp.

Ordered my W-Edge and stones last night. I am now like a kid waiting for Santa Claus!

Just a thought, but would there be any support for a Group or Forum for Wicked Edge users to share advanced techniques (I am not claiming the above is an advanced technique BTW), solutions to particular sharpening problems, myth-busting etc. I know I'm new here, and maybe I am getting a bit ahead of myself, so forgive my newbie syndrome.

I ordered my W- Edge and stones on sunday... i know how you feel. :)

I'm totally green as far sharpening goes... and i find this forum as all the info to help me.

I decided on the W-Edge after reading and watching all the videos on you tube. the reason i decided on the W-Edged... since i'm green i think it would be the best one for me to learn.

Tanks every one for all the great info and expertise you bring to forum.
^ Exactly, if you're new to sharpening and rather not have to deal with a slightly higher learning curve go with the W.E.

Although, this comparing diamond stones to other (water) stones is not a good comparison. Waterstones keep revealing new abrasive as you go on. By my reasoning DMTs should gradually lose sharpening ability after peak performance as the diamonds fall out or are pressed into the matrix. As for lifetimes- where did the assumption come from that DMTs have comparable lifetimes to waterstones. The Wicked Edge website estimates ~ 500 knives per set, but I don't know if that's based on some standard or how it's comparable to the Edge Pro stones. Then again, I'm not sure of the lifetimes of the E.P. or Chosera waterstones either.

Also, FFG blades are widespread...there should either be a fix for the W.E.'s shortcoming or maybe someone should come up with some metal wedges for a variety of blades.
Exactly, if you're new to sharpening and rather not have to deal with a slightly higher learning curve go with the W.E.

Ha ha! That's a bit harsh!

Here comes a tenuous analogy!

Remember the invention of the straight edge ruler? Maybe not, but there were probably professional/enthusiast freehand-straight-line-drawers who said it was a gimmick, only fit for amateurs and wanabees. Now, who wouldn't use a ruler because there's no "art" in it? (OK, artists, but I said it was tenuous:))

Point is, if I want a perfect straight line I use a ruler, and I don't feel I am being a lazy amateur!
(Pre-emptive strike: I know knives aren't straight...it's an analogy;) )

Also, FFG blades are widespread...there should either be a fix for the W.E.'s shortcoming or maybe someone should come up with some metal wedges for a variety of blades.

Agreed, though I think hinging the fixed side is the way to go. Wedges just say "afterthought".