XM fakes?

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Jan 18, 2011
I've never come across one but there are fakes of everything. I was just wondering if this is something I need to watch out for are we pretty safe so far?
I've never come across one but there are fakes of everything. I was just wondering if this is something I need to watch out for are we pretty safe so far?

If you are referring to the XM series, I have yet to see or hear of a fake XM. Personally, I think it would be fairly easy to identify if you know what you are looking for. I have heard Rick mention of some copies of his knives but they weren't XMs, I believe it may have been of some of his earlier knives but I am not 100% certain of that.

I'd say you are safe to buy any XM.
Some manufacturer made a copy of Rick's Firetac model a few years ago but to my knowledge there has never been a copy of the XM-18.
Whoever would try to fake an XM to the instance of believability, would be damn ambitious- heck at that point they might as well make some tweeks and come out with their own line of hard use knives. Then again, there various levels of producing a fake knife. I am surprised that there are no oversees knock-off of it, or if someone else is more informed, by all means please enlighten us.
These are Chinese. Saw them on a Russian forum. Can't make out if they are stamped Hinderer.


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These are Chinese. Saw them on a Russian forum. Can't make out if they are stamped Hinderer.



Years ago I saw Elvis from across the room but, when I got close it was just another Chinese fake. There is nothing they will not try to imitate because they have nothing to stand up to "American Made". Only original they have is a Panda and it is going extinct.
These are Chinese. Saw them on a Russian forum. Can't make out if they are stamped Hinderer.

What do you mean "these are Chinese"? You know for a fact that those were made in China or someone in China owns them? Because they certainly look like Hinderer made knives from just those two smaller pics. Where were the pics posted?
I'd like to know how you know they are fakes too. Maybe it's just reflection but the Orange one looks like it's been used a fair bit. Look at the patina on the blade.

I've never heard of a direct knock off of Rick's XM. I hope that's not the case.
Hey Folks.......well what can I say...I would like to say alot of things right now...but I will keep it family friendly....those m#@&% F*&%# pieces of S%$T!!!....in other words...yes...these are copies! The big giveaway is the jimping on the underside of handle which is further forward than on my XM's....We will put together a data sheet so people will know the copies from the originals...damn I hated to see this...but unfortunatly I knew it was coming...

Rick Hinderer
Well I see several things different (wrong) with the knives in the Pics than either my Gen 3 or Gen 4. I would think that makes them knock-offs, because they aren't Gen 2's.
Damn, that is upsetting indeed, I can only imagine - Never created anything that had my own name on it and was revered by the masses - quite an honor.
Wish there was more respect in the world. Never really hit home til now what the Chinese really do with their mimicry - it's an invasion and insulting.
Nothing flattering about being copied.
What do you mean "these are Chinese"? You know for a fact that those were made in China or someone in China owns them? Because they certainly look like Hinderer made knives from just those two smaller pics. Where were the pics posted?

They are being made in China by the same outfit that is punting out high end fake Sebenzas and Crusader Forge knifes. It would be inappropriate to post how to get one here !

I've posted on another forum a guide to spotting fake Striders. Hope your eyesight is good....

Damn. Good work on the Hinderer/Strider info (and thanks for reminding me I'm a member over there) jeez, hope I don't start $h!tt!n' myself anytime soon.

This "fakin' " business id for the Birds, wouldn't take much to get some organization and intelligence and have some members hit these websites and expose them for what they are.
Just so the unsuspecting don't get fooled and a serious dent gets put in the Fakes business plan ( profit goes away, so does the product) wouldn't take long, maybe 3 months concerted effort.
Wow, I guess no makers are safe from being ripped off! It's pretty low, for sure. This subject has discussed quite recently in the CRK forum as well. I'm not sure what I think is worse-the makers of these fakes or people knowingly buying them. Hopefully, the %sshats will sooner or later see the error in their ways.
Wow, I guess no makers are safe from being ripped off! It's pretty low, for sure. This subject has discussed quite recently in the CRK forum as well. I'm not sure what I think is worse-the makers of these fakes or people knowingly buying them. Hopefully, the %sshats will sooner or later see the error in their ways.

Clearly, the $h!tBirds buying them (if done so knowingly) the "makers" of the counterfeit knives (again, IF marketed as the real thing) are crap bags and not worth the air they displace BUT knife collectors OR lovers, the ones you would think would recognize the name and style Hinderer but, can't afford the real thing are the Douches that make this ship sail.
Sucks no matter what way you slice it. Stop it better than talk about it IMO. Only way is cut the profit, only way to do that is expose it.
I strongly disagree with theft of any kind. This is not flattering in any way and is upsetting and unsettling. Mr. Hinderer not only makes excellent products but works in collaboration with other companies to positively contribute to the knife community.
There are a couple obvious things that stand out as wrong on these knockoffs. I feel uncomfortable pointing them out because i do NOT want to help the forgers.
The thumb stud also doesn’t look quite right to me along with the jimp.
K. Everybody. Pretty much established that these are Fakes and that we all agree this is B.S. Now can we focus?

I think WE need to do something about this. WE ALL appreciate what Rick/Rob and the team bring to the community NOW is time for US to discuss solutions and How/What we can do and talking or debating has already produced the product we needed namely that these are B.S. Fakes.
We ALL on the same sheet of music?
I feel uncomfortable pointing them out because i do NOT want to help the forgers.

I doubt it makes a difference. Plenty of modern machine shops in China with 3D modelling and the latest CAD. The mistakes they have made show, IMHO, they don't have an actual knife yet to copy !
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