Yet another warranty issue that is unbelievable

It unfortunately is asking too much...

Maybe a disclaimer;

Thank you for purchasing our knife. We will replace this knife under any circumstance should it break while being used in an intelligent manner. If you are too stupid to own this knife, please send it back to the retailer for a full refund. If you do not agree with our warrantee, feel free to unsheath the knife and fall on it, if it breaks while you are falling on it, we will gladly replace it for the new owner.

Can you believe I'm in retail:D

I love this response, Tony! I have owned a lot of knives and the ESEEs I own would NEVER be treated so stupidly. I hate idiots. :grumpy:
Perhaps we don't realize how well we have been educated on proper knife care, considering that most folks don't even carry a knife and don't really know what to use one for.

I have thrown and damaged knives when I was younger, maybe that is what it took for me to understand how hard it was on a knife to throw it :). Probably got started when I was around elementary school age, there was that game where two guys faced off and tried to stick the knife in the ground farther and farther apart, but of course the ground was soft and it wasn't immediately apparent how hard it was on a knife.

But it has been so ingrained into me now not to abuse a knife - I took my ESEE 5 into the woods today to practice making fires in the rain. I found a dead log about 6" in diameter, with a big crack in it, but couldn't find a decent stick to try to baton the knife through it. The thought occurred to me to just stick the tip of the knife into the crack the 1 or 2 inches it would go and then pry, but I couldn't bring myself to do that, even though I know the 5 would probably have come out unscathed. I just can't use a knife as a prybar. *Some* prying is OK, like trying to break dead rotten wood out of a branch to use as tinder, but if I have to put any force behind it, I can't bring myself to do it, even with a 5 :D.
You know not to totally rip on another company, but Cold Steel flat out promotes the blatant abuse and throwing of their knives on their web site in all the video clips they show. The thing is they don't have it in them to back them up with a lifetime no questions asked guarantee. I bet you all the tea in China if they started to offer that guarantee, then had to deal with the pure abuse of their products by these damn idiots thinking they're mall ninja of the month they sure as hell would pull all those videos off their web site in a hot second!!!!!! I know it's their products that they're abusing but I've always thought that's the worst thing they could be showing for the industry as a whole.
Maybe there should be a test to take before the warranty is valid? (hopefully I could pass the test, LOL)
I really like when a American company will stand behind thier product. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask questions on how a knife gets broken and in this situation, maybe a prorate due to intentional abuse. You should provide some directions with the knife, for idiots who really don't have a clue. I am always amazed that the typical person, needs direction for just about everything. I belong to other forums of a different nature, I am always amazed how the average Joe cannot do the most simple task that most would just assume anyone could/should be able to do, especially city folk, it's scary to think sometimes how helpless and in need of direction, some people are.:rolleyes:
That letter to ESEE should have ended with "because we are idiots, we broke the knife. Just wanted to let you know that but in no way expect you to replace it. We will be ordering one from one of your dealers tomorrow. Thanks for a great product.

Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber
My response would've been more like:
Thanks for the kind words.... I'm glad you enjoy our products...... just so you know.... throwing our knives isn't exactly what we had in mind when we designed our warrantee or our knives for that matter..... don't recommend it........ if he breaks it again ...... might/will not guarantee it..... etc.
You either stand behind the warrantee or not. This kind of stuff will happen but you sell a shitload of knives and you have a huge fan base, which includes many "fanboys" and "mall-ninjas" etc. It probably makes these guy's feel indestructable to have "indestructable" knives and "use" them like they are. The "survival" part is just plain bullshit and obfuscation.... how many ratpack members are "using" and "abusing" their knives in a "survival" situation? Just add that as a clause to your warrantee, or warn this guy and move on. Or remove the following and watch the carnage ensue.

You gots to teach the silly chilren.... not beerate 'em!:D
Just sayin.

We stand behind our warranty, even against idiots. All I'm saying is we reserve the right to call them idiots while w're sending them their replacement knife.
everyone I've shown it to says, "Oh, wow, that's a nice little thrower". I have no idea why...

I had the EXACT same issue!

Anyone that asked to see it and the second I hand it to them (if I decide to) they turn the knife around and grab the blade and make a throwing motion, WTH? I'm sorry but there's nothing about the Izula that makes me think "throwing knife". The odd thing is these people that thought this not only don't EDC a knife but can't even throw a real throwing knife! I just don't understand anymore. :confused:
I had the EXACT same issue!

Anyone that asked to see it and the second I hand it to them (if I decide to) they turn the knife around and grab the blade and make a throwing motion, WTH? I'm sorry but there's nothing about the Izula that makes me think "throwing knife". The odd thing is these people that thought this not only don't EDC a knife but can't even throw a real throwing knife! I just don't understand anymore. :confused:

I'm telling you it's all this hollywood, Steven Segal, Chuck Norris bullshit that has ruined the kids nowadays. Then they play these computer games with all the ninja fighting and saving the world shit, then grab a knife and want to stick it in something. Idiots. Plain and simple. Idiots. If I acted like most of the kids I see running around in WalMart these days, my mother, dad or ganddad would have beat the shit out of me (and did on the few ocassions I thought I could act out). Most of the kids (and parents) are not worth the lead and powder it would take to kill 'em nowadays. When I see a well-behaved kid I always make it a point to tell the parents how nice of a kid they have and brag on them.
We stand behind our warranty, even against idiots. All I'm saying is we reserve the right to call them idiots while w're sending them their replacement knife.

I hear you Jeff... that's fair enough. I know it's gotta be frustrating.... like doing warrantee work on a car that belongs to a Saudi teen;)
I'm telling you it's all this hollywood, Steven Segal, Chuck Norris bullshit that has ruined the kids nowadays. Then they play these computer games with all the ninja fighting and saving the world shit, then grab a knife and want to stick it in something. Idiots. Plain and simple. Idiots. If I acted like most of the kids I see running around in WalMart these days, my mother, dad or ganddad would have beat the shit out of me (and did on the few ocassions I thought I could act out). Most of the kids (and parents) are not worth the lead and powder it would take to kill 'em nowadays. When I see a well-behaved kid I always make it a point to tell the parents how nice of a kid they have and brag on them.

My gosh, Jeff. You are much too young to start sounding like an old man. Leave that to me! I can hardly stand to even go out in public anymore. I have never played a video game in my life. I go to a bar to socialize. I can drink all I want to at home. I get there, and everybody is busy playing with their cell phones and computers. They even text each other at the bar. WTF! These people live in cyberworld, TV, and Hollywood. Their whole flipping universe is unnatural. A knife? Oh that must be for throwing and sticking in people. Saw it in Rambo. They worry about who some celebrity is seeing but can't even talk to a real live human being right next to them. Rant off! :D
Regarding the Port Authority test... what if you think outside the box? I drew a butterfly on the page and then used it to wipe. I'm not sure how well I did. :confused:

Moose is right. Hollywood is kicking the ass of common sense.

Horn Dog, I still can't believe Natalie Portman is pregnant by someone other than me. :D
But its not really a new thing, tv/movies forcing changes on a society or group of enthusiasts. Lets go back, way back 30yrs or better, and enter the S&W Model 29. S&W setup the producers and actors with real and blanked M29 for a little movie called, "Dirty Harry". Almost overnight, the S&W Model 29's price jumped nearly 3x the MRSP, no one could keep them in stock, and S&W had to go to 24hr manufacturing just to keep up.

Most of those guns shot 5-6 rounds, then put up in the closet, mainly because unless you were deer hunting, they just weren't practical. They have been sold off, rusted away from poor maitenance, or just plain forgotten about, mostly because people didn't know dick about guns, or what they were, but they knew, Dirty Harry Callahan carried one, and by gawd, he was a badass. Badassery through osmosis, I guess.

As long as Hollywod paints that hypercool, hypertough persona, movies will sell stuff. How about "The Hunted"? Wikiweapons now covers all the guns and knives that has ever been used in every movie most have ever heard of.

I don't have a problem with Hollywood selling stuff, I do have a problem with people not being able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. What's worse, people are starting to make fantasy a reality, but they still think that they are the people they see in the movies.

Rant complete. Reboot started.

But its not really a new thing, tv/movies forcing changes on a society or group of enthusiasts. Lets go back, way back 30yrs or better, and enter the S&W Model 29. S&W setup the producers and actors with real and blanked M29 for a little movie called, "Dirty Harry". Almost overnight, the S&W Model 29's price jumped nearly 3x the MRSP, no one could keep them in stock, and S&W had to go to 24hr manufacturing just to keep up.

Most of those guns shot 5-6 rounds, then put up in the closet, mainly because unless you were deer hunting, they just weren't practical. They have been sold off, rusted away from poor maitenance, or just plain forgotten about, mostly because people didn't know dick about guns, or what they were, but they knew, Dirty Harry Callahan carried one, and by gawd, he was a badass. Badassery through osmosis, I guess.

As long as Hollywod paints that hypercool, hypertough persona, movies will sell stuff. How about "The Hunted"? Wikiweapons now covers all the guns and knives that has ever been used in every movie most have ever heard of.

I don't have a problem with Hollywood selling stuff, I do have a problem with people not being able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. What's worse, people are starting to make fantasy a reality, but they still think that they are the people they see in the movies.

Rant complete. Reboot started.


Damn Moose. You're a kid. "Way back" is 30 years ago. Shit!
Hollywood is bullcrap. Just wait until my Crocodile Dundee Bowie comes in. When I stick it in the bar, then I'll get the respect I deserve! :eek:
Hollywood is bullcrap. Just wait until my Crocodile Dundee Bowie comes in. When I stick it in the bar, then I'll get the respect I deserve! :eek:

K, I'll go out on a limb and say, at least they portrayed that knife being used in the bush, by a guy who knew what it was for. The second movie, he starts throwing it, but, WTH, its a sequel.
