Your alias?

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ZoxX is a nickname. Not very common.
In 1986 I was modifying some IBM CICS scripts created by someone named Dux.
Below his 'Created by Dux' comment I tried to put mine, 'Modified by Zox'. My name is Zoran (very common name in Croatia it was a pagan god == Apollo). I made it up at the spot (Dux, Zox). But while I was typing I left my finger on x too long (autorepeat key) and pressed shift key. Another X was printed, this one in uppercase. Don't try this at home, it was only possible with IBM 3278 terminals.
From then averyone calls me ZoxX, and if they like me it's always with double X, and the second in uppercase. However, Zoxx, Zox and Zoks are used as well.

My name is Dean, but Dean is usually taken when it comes to aliases. So I have got into the habit of just using Dino.
I didnt use amy imagination either. My first name is Jerry and last name Koch so I just went with that. If I had to do it all over again, I suppose I would use the moniker "The dull one" in my never ending attempt to keep my knives sharp.
The ShadCat part is short for Shadow Catcher,
a Pago Pago Island concept for photographer, which is what I do for a living. There is a book by that title written in the 1930s by an anthropologist named Sloan who got so named by islanders because of his camera. I always liked the name and adopted it online. The 11 part is the number of online services I tried and/ or went back and forth on. So if you run into any other references to a photographer named Shadcat (any number), it will probably be me. Someday I might promote myself to ShadCat12.
I use Glenn because that is my name. Very imaginative huh? I love sjc "slowjocrow". My son loves Dr. Seuss. I have decided that I require a handle. I am torn between chewy blue goo, and the tweetle battle beetles. A change shall come once I decide.

My alias is a nickname I've had for 25 or so years.My folks always said they weren't Mickey Spillane fans but I've had my doubts.So does my sister, Velma. Mike Kammer PS Dad really loved that 68 Mustang.

[This message has been edited by Hammer (edited 04 March 1999).]
Mine comes from years back on IRC, I picked up the nick B-I which in IRC is the eqivolent to :-) with sunglasses and a smirk on my face. Someone started calling me the "Shaded Dude" and it stuck. I still keep B-I as a backup nick.

Life is like a box of knives...

I manufacture a line of Throwing Knives and I am the President of The American Knife Throwers Alliance. I also am a professional Knife Thrower who loves the lore of the old west.
Instead of a Gunslinger , I am a Knifeslinger.
My name in the real world is Don Gwinn.

Gwinny the Pooh is a time-honored nickname that every Gwinn male who went through the Virden High School system has had to endure as a test of manhood and I got tired of typing "dgwinn."

At one time in high school I actually had 56 different nicknames. This was when Deion Sanders bragged about having 50 or something. I had about 8 at the time and my friends decided we could do better than PrimeTime. My other main nickname used to be "Gwinnimal" but that was from a football coach and nobody really understands it now.

Jackyl, Jackyl the band still performs at Viele's Planet in Springfield almost every summer--we're big fans.

And Dan--I thought my roommate was the only one that obsessed with Street Fighter. He uses Dan a lot to give me a fighting chance.
I picked out my username because the Browning HiPower is my favorite handgun.
also easy to remember
P.J. is what my family always used, liked it so much I named the company after myself.
Long story made short, I took a friend out shooting, brought my Thompson SMG along. After firing it, doc do ya make house calls with this thing? thus Dr Thompson.
I keep to myself, mostly, so people describe me as a "lone wolf". Seems to fit.
i got my nick from when i was little and my older brother and his friends used to call me this to make fun of me. go figure!
Go to and try to find me in last
years guestbook. OK, it's my job,


If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail!

Military "Military" fans unite!!!
I chose the name smoke because it was easy to spell and remember e-mail wise. The name has taken a life of its' own and means many things to many people. Every culture in the world has seen smoke.
I use MM because it's *really* easy to spell. It's also my initials: Mike Melone.

